View Full Version : Hiding inside a 4x4

11-05-2009, 12:52 AM
Here's what we found hiding inside a redwood 4x4x24. You can't do this on a turning lathe. 3D toolpath with a 1/4" Beckwith bit -- about 82 minutes to carve.





11-05-2009, 03:28 AM
Randall you are making all of us look like amateurs. When are you going to let us in on your secret?

How are you designing your profile? What are you going to impress us with next? Very nice randall

11-05-2009, 06:00 AM
Don't tell me Jack...Its a simple Part..I know You know all about wrapping stuff... Just teasing us..

11-05-2009, 05:22 PM
Khalid we all post things here to "show off" our talents (at least thats why I do it!)and I learn
from others when they create something. Frankly none of us are as smart as WE think we are. lol

My problem is that it is like Groundhog day, everyday for me. I forget stuff i know that i already know and have to reinforce it.

Plus don't you recall as a kid in class for show and tell how proud you were when you got up and told how you made something and the teacher said "good job randall"?....Well....
Good Job Randall...! lol

11-05-2009, 09:30 PM
quote:Good Job Randall...! In Jr High shop class the turning lathe was my favorite tool. I'm sure my Jr High shop teacher, Mr. Goehering (aka 3-Finger Joe) would be proud and pleased.