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Tried the Blogger...Love it I just set up an account. I put some pictures in to see how it worked. take a look
03-03-2005, 01:53 PM
From earlier post by Bill Young:
The thing I've found that works the best for me is blogging. It's free if you use something like Blogger ( ( and requires very little time to do. You can post pictures if you want and can also invite others to collaborate with you on the blog so that you can all post items. Blogger has a really simple interface and it keeps track of all the details so you don't have to keep track of links and archiving things. They'll host it on their servers for free or you can upload it by ftp to your server if you want to have it local. People can post comments on your blog if you want them to be able to, or you can turn that off.
If you are more interested in posting lots of pictures than the commentary part then you might look at Flickr ( ( or one of the other free picture hosting sites. I have customers that post pictures on Flickr as they're building their's neat to watch the progress. You can also "tag" pictures in Flickr so that people can search them...I found this picture with a search in Flickr for "CNC"
Just some thoughts..take them for what they're worth,
Bill (
03-05-2005, 10:50 AM
Hey Dirk,
See you've added a new picture...I've got a few new ones from cutting panels for 20 boats for a local High School.
Anyone else tried blogging?
03-07-2005, 06:18 AM
Hey guys,
If you want to post pictures on Blogger you can use a free program from Google called Hello ( to post them. It works well with Blogger and does things like let you post the picture in your blog as a thumbnail if you want and then have the thumbnail link to a larger picture (up to 1024). They also host the pictures for you. It's great if you only want to put a limited number of pictures in a posting...Flickr ( or something similar might be a better choice if you want to do a photo album with lots of pictures.
03-07-2005, 10:54 AM
I'm up and blogging at this ( place.
Just added a few pics of some new cabinet doors I've been programing in Excel.
04-28-2005, 06:20 AM
2 quick notes. First I've added a posting with some pictures about a visit to David Buchsbaum's shop to my blog at . It's a great shop...check it out.
I've also started a Jamboree blog at that I'll try to keep regularly updated over the next couple of days.
06-16-2005, 08:03 PM
I thought that I would take the time to let everyone know that I am slowly working my way into a blogger. Took me a little time to figure out how to post pictures. But I have that all figured out.
Jay Mack
StickMan WoodWorking
09-16-2005, 08:42 AM
I recently completed a sign for the local hair salon. Take a look, its under my blogspot.
10-17-2005, 06:52 PM
Just added Blogs to my forum board for anyone who want to use one. Add a Picture album etc.
12-18-2005, 10:06 AM
I've added some postings about speakers to my blog, including some Christmas "tree-kers"
12-19-2005, 11:09 AM
I have added one of my recent projects to my blogspot.
After Christmas I will be adding more pictures of the projects I have completed.
Cheers! Jay
01-19-2006, 09:20 AM
Just stumbled on the Covenant House blog
02-25-2006, 02:42 PM
Just started blogging. It seems like a good way to track what we learn each day.
02-26-2006, 11:39 AM
We also started on about a month ago? with some of our products/projects.
Here it is:
02-26-2006, 12:02 PM
I just got done adding some pictures to my website: (
You'll all have to check out the Custom Diner Sign I did as a Christmas gift, with the operating center.
Cheers, Jay
04-01-2006, 07:23 AM
Just got some pictures posted on my blog of my wife's class of 4 year olds building rubber band racers. An article on cutting 45 of them using a small shopvac-powered vac table will show up on Bill's Corner before too long.
04-30-2006, 10:34 AM
I have posted pictures of a recent lettering project I did for a customer. MDF lettering 24" height and 1 1/2" thick.
Thanks, Jay Mack
05-27-2006, 02:46 PM
I just gone done with a special project. I have posted pictures of it at my Blog.
Sincerely, Jay Mack
10-01-2006, 10:17 AM
I have been adding different projects to our website and blog for some time since the 2004 jamboree. Just thought I would add the link here for those interested. Enjoy.
Jerry Hicks
12-15-2006, 11:34 PM
I have a blog that's been running since 2003, except for about a year when our server was slightly damaged due to being hijacked by a spammer to as to send important body-improvement info to needy folks in Brazil and Portugal.
However, my weblog, called "The Adventures of Bloggard," has been restored and is back underway, and can be found at I must admit that I do not discuss my various projects, ShopBot or otherwise, very much on this weblog.
Instead is is filled with over 400 'micro-stories' which many people find funny, absurd, touching, or weird. The stories are mostly true, except for a few lies, and sometime epiphanies.
In addition to the micro-stories, there are a number of 'wisdom logs' which describe some law of the human experience. Some people find these funny. Other folks find them true. There is also a 'Fortune Cookie' which often will give you something to think about when you visit.
I imagine that many of you older botters will relate to the micro-stories, as the stories go back in time, to an earlier time that you will remember.
I apologize that I have very little about my ShopBot projects in The Adventures of Bloggard, but ... well, you'll see.
-- Arthur Cronos, Mount Shasta CA
Paco's area (
Some days ago I posted on servicing the Milwaukee 5625 brushes ( the bearing failed today so I should be posting on that part in a few days (when I'll get the new ones). Stay tunned!
02-07-2007, 10:34 AM
Nice job Paco!!
My bearings will be needing replacing soon so, I'll be looking forward to your posting on bearing replacement.
Bill Thorpe
Hey Bill!
Thanks! I have myself benefit from such detailed procedure in the past from various source (now friends for the most) so I'm very happy when I can contribute... and being told that it help is the cherry on top!
If you're planning on replacing any parts soon, I strongly advise to order them NOW. Make this a overall maintenance tune up. Get the brushes set, both bearings, a collet shank (this nut is tighten at 16.5 ft-lbs from the specs. with lock nut compound; mine threads were all stripped) and why not get both (tree?) collets sizes with nuts while at it. Only the collets are somewhat expensive, the other parts are VERY affordable so I think it's a good idea to have spare handy.
Bearings need a press to be remove and reinstalled.
More later...
02-08-2007, 08:29 PM
Here is a link to my blog. (
Thanks for looking.
Well that is a pretty clean shop Jeff! Even your Bot doesn't have any dust. A lot of room to dance around. I'm in envy!
Keep posting!
PS: Your blog setting does not allow comments to be made easily... remove the word verification and the blog team requirement...
02-09-2007, 10:17 AM
I upgraded my blog and you should be able to leave comments. Let me know if it doesn't work.
We finished up a pretty neat project a few months ago - I just posted it to our blog.
02-12-2007, 12:55 AM
Keep forgetting to post this here:
Our blog for our company.
07-20-2007, 11:24 PM
Decided to start a blog for the small business I work for. Too bad we just finished a giant project and didn't have a camera to take pictures. That's something we'll need to fix. Until then, my personal projects will populate the blog.
07-21-2007, 10:46 AM
Hey Joe,
That's a very cool project...looking forward to seeing how it comes along.
11-05-2007, 09:09 PM
Not sure if the qualifies as a blog... but check out
I'm going to give this a try and see if I can stop emailing the same thing 30 times a month :-)
I've not made it known on the main webpage yet though it is open. I was hoping some of you guys might have a bat question or two and be willing to give it a dry run. You do have to register to post, experience dictates. Suggestions welcome.
I guess I should add a Bat Bot topic too!
05-18-2009, 10:39 AM
heres one there that says
I purchased a bat house at leas 3 years ago and was told to hang it high and perferably on a warmer south side of the house. I hung it on a brick chimney as highs as possible, maybe 20 feet above ground. The fireplace rarely gets used except at christmas so its not active but i'm wondering why no bats use it.
I know we have them in te area as they can be seen at night catching mosqitoes in summer.
Whats up?
03-14-2010, 11:50 AM
I added a guest book. I still have to format it and change the colors but it is up and running.
The addition of the new security rules has all but killed the forums, I guess I can understand that. It was taking too many obscene and nude posts to keep up with. I am still reviewing the features and I think if I can figure it out I am going to allow anonymous posts but with moderation.
Admins forgive me, but Sam has her horse blog online.
Those at the shopbot camp got to meet Charlie in person.
08-18-2011, 04:02 PM
our blog is not necessarily shop bot related (mostly snowboarding) however it does chronicle our company's development, which now includes a shop bot prt!
i will update the blog with progress as we continue to learn to work with our new bot.
thanks for viewing!
tom (
10-14-2011, 02:40 PM
Anybody have any problems picking materials check out this blog I found. Very interesting and helpful.
01-25-2012, 08:48 PM
Here is our new blog site.
It is still in the startup stage, but we are working on it, among other things.
Follow us on twitter, and LinkedIN and Facebook as well.
We are building various communities, that might give you some good ideas for your business success.
01-26-2012, 08:07 AM
Hi Greg,
I haven't emailed you in a long while. I went to your site, man that is SLICK!
The graphics and movement in the site is real nice!! good job!:D
02-15-2012, 09:51 PM
Thanks Jack. We just finished a video to be posted soon. It has been a while since we chatted, hope all is going well for you.
04-30-2020, 04:10 AM
best blog website i really loved it to much great experience just add your article or ideas to site
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