View Full Version : Mounting material in the indexer

02-20-2010, 02:47 PM
I need some information for the indexer tutorial that demonstrates how to mount material in the indexer. The tutorial will be used by people who have never used an indexer, and who may have never used a lathe, so I'm trying to cover some very basic information. If people could supply me with descriptions and even photos I would really appreciate it. I'll be sure you get credit.

Here's what I'm looking for:

What method to you use to find the center for where the tailstock should go? Center finder? Pencil mark? Awl? DO you mount the material in the headstock first and then the tailstock?

What do you do for material that is larger than will fit in the chuck of the headstock? Do you cut it down to size? Do you attach a mounting plate that has a "knob" of the proper size?

Again, a written description is fine, but extra credit for photos and/or videos.

The indexer tutorial is at:

02-20-2010, 10:54 PM
Randall i sent you an email and have 27 pics you might want to use.