View Full Version : 2012 Florida Camp
11-17-2011, 03:27 PM
Just in time for all you Yankees freezing to death the Florida camp will return to my shop on Saturday, February 11, 2012. I'm also exploring having a users group the day before focusing on e-cabinets and the link. Rumor has it that our resident expert on the link will be in attendance to share a bit of his knowledge. Not totally confirmed yet but I am working on it.
Anyone who likes this idea and thinks they can make it let me know ASAP as this will help grease the wheels.
Send enquiries, reservations, etc to me or Doc Palumbo.
Last year's was well attended and as per usual for Florida Ted will undoubtedly be down barring a personal disaster.
For Campers and/or RVer's there is a campground a few miles away that Bill Y stayed at last year and enjoyed.
Ya'll come down now-heah?
11-20-2011, 11:23 AM
It's on my scheduale this year barring anymore unforseen roofing events !!!:eek:
I'll be there Friday & Saturday.
11-21-2011, 06:50 AM
Always good to see you guys!
11-25-2011, 09:00 AM
Hey Dave,
What time will the camp start Sat. morning?
I have a commitment in Mt. Dora Friday eve. but I'm trying to work it out to get down there.
David (
11-25-2011, 10:14 AM
We try to start off all of the Camps with an 8-9AM "coffee/donut session".
The actual Saturday "agenda"starts about 9AM and runs until roughly 4PM (depending on number of attendees, etc.) with a Shopbot sponsored lunch around mid day.
12-01-2011, 11:24 PM
Thanks for the added info. It looks like Gene Jaeger and myself [of Unicorn Strings and Precision Dulcimers] will be coming - getting into the area late Fri. night. We're looking forward to it.
Thanks for hosting.
12-17-2011, 05:34 PM
Been a bit slammed (not complaining!) but a bit of an update. There will definately be a users meeting on Friday before the regular camp on Saturday. Also free and all are welcome. The concentration is going to be on designing and machining issues relative to cabinetmaking/custom shop work. Since in my case, custom shop work has covered everything from cutting metal, plastic, and 3-d as well as our main wood and laminates cabinet business, it's a wide open field and can have some great stuff for anyone.
It's still early enough to design some items around attendees requests so let us know what you are most interested in.
12-30-2011, 06:53 PM
I will be there on Friday and Saturday as well. I am looking forward to showing some of the features of machining cabinets designed in eCabinets using the ShopBot Link (by Thermwood). If time allows, some info on using that powerful combo to develop a wholesale cutting business.
12-31-2011, 07:23 AM
We'll make time Gary!!
Reservations are coming in and it looks like a good turnout. For those who haven't yet let us know you plan on coming, please do so. There is, of, course, no cut-off date but the earlier we know the easier it is to organize.
Mark Farris
12-31-2011, 04:47 PM
Dave, My name is Mark Farris from Gainesville Fl and I have had my 2003 PRT for about a year. I am planning on attending both the Friday users group and Saturday session. I have been following the forum for the last year or so and am looking forward to meeting and learning from all you good "Shopbot" people.
01-01-2012, 01:11 AM
Great Mark. We'll add you to the list. Gators always welcome.
01-01-2012, 09:49 PM
One rather important thing has been missing from this thread; Dave's address.
It is:
Professional Millwork Inc.
1910 NW 29th St.
Oakland Park, Florida 33311
We'll be posting more about the Camp in the next few days....
01-09-2012, 10:18 AM
Florida Camp Shopbot February 10 - 11th, 2012
@ Professional Millwork Inc., 1910 NW 29th Street, Oakland Park, FL33311
Dave has a full service commercial casework business and has incorporated his customized ShopBot into many aspects of the operations which he will show during the Camp.
We're planning a 2 day Camp. Friday will be specialized as we'll be taking up topics primarily intended for those already involved with CNC, cabinetmaking, or digital fabrication. However, all are welcome to the Friday session.
Saturday will be the main Camp day -- a free-ranging review of issues of general interest to ShopBotters (and other CNC users) as well as in depth reports and discussion of several topics. In the afternoon we will have the “SHOW & TELL” period that is often the highlight of our Camps. We encourage you to bring any samples you have of your work, jigs, or interesting accessories. Everyone hopes you’ll spend 5-10 minutes explaining the work. You might think it's dull or worry that it's too simple -- but you'll be amazed how interested people are in how you do things; that holds true for beginning projects as well as expert work. We'll have a projector for digital images if you can't carry your "Shows" …
As some “icing” on the cake there will be a couple of Desktops there as well as the indexer attachment and new 3-d Print Head.
There is no charge to attend either day, but we ask you to please let us know if you plan to attend so we can arrange appropriate seating, materials, food, etc... You can let Dave know by email at, or Bill Palumbo at
FRIDAY ( 2/10/12) {Specialty Topics}
Coffee & Donuts - Meet & Greet ( 8.00am)
Morning Session ( 9-11.30am)
Brief Intro to ShopBots in Cabinet Shops
CNC Cabinet Production on a Limited Budget
Basic Design: Building a Cabinet Parts Library for a Cabinet Business
Introduction to eCabinet Software and the ShopBot Link
Cabinet Production and Cabinet Software (Gary)
Using eCabinets in Production
Configuring the tool and the shop for CNC Production (Dave, Gary, Ted)
Lunch / Demos / Conversation
Afternoon Session ( 1-5pm)
Manufacturing and Production use of re-configurable CNC tools (Ted & Gary & Bill )
Programming production operations (system integrators?) (Ted & Bill Y)
ShopBot's Production Support System for MFG's (Gary & Ted)
The New Economy: Digital Fabrication & Restoring Productivity (Ted)
100kGarages: a Core Network Resource for the new MFG (Bill Y& Ted)
SATURDAY ( 2/11/12) {General Camp ShopBot}
Coffee & Donuts- Meet & Greet ( 8.00am)
Morning Session ( 9-11.30am)
-Greetings from ShopBot
-What's happening at ShopBot
-CNC Cutter Selection and optimizing Feeds & Speeds (Onsrud)
Morning Break
-Features of New Software in General (how it relates to existing tools and controllers)
-Anatomy of a Customized and Upgraded ShopBot (Dave's tool)
-Brief intro to 100k Garages as digital fabrication business opportunity & the 100k Garages refresh
Lunch / Demos / Conversation
Afternoon Session ( 1-5pm)
SHOW & TELL (Bill P)
Applications - Interesting work that ShopBots are being put to. We can be flexible depending on how much Show & Tell
CNC Methods for Acrylics (Dave/Vendor)
Business Issues in CNC & Digital Fabrication
Q and All the ANSWERS we can come up with ...
01-09-2012, 04:13 PM
Hello my name is Joshua, and I would like to attend this seminar. I sent an email and received no reply so figured I would post in here. Happy New YEAR!!!
01-09-2012, 04:27 PM
We'll add your name to the list today.
You can send a note to either Dave or I (addresses in the message above) confirming whether you'll be there for 1 or 2 days...
01-09-2012, 05:43 PM
Got it Joshua-
A note to all sending me an email about attending:
Rest assured that I have you on the list. Work has been slammed and I may not get an e-mail response out right away but Bill or I will get your name in. If you also send your phone, where your are coming from, how you use your ShopBot(if you have one) and which days you will be attending that will be a great help for us.
This looks like it will be a real good one and I'm really looking forward to seeing you all.
01-14-2012, 08:41 PM
Hi Dave,
Nice talking to you the other day. Both Don and I are coming for both days and have sent you the requested documentation.
Michael Breedlove
01-16-2012, 11:24 AM
Mike from Odessa (near Tampa) here, Bill Lisica from Haines City and I will be coming around noon on Friday and staying through Saturday. Although I am a lifelong woodworker I am a newbie to CNC routing having bought a ten year old PRT last year. Bill is quite the pro and has gone out of his way helping me to get up and running. I will bring some samples of my work and will try to get Bill to as well.
I have lurked here for a year and am really looking forward all of you.
Michael Breedlove
813 527 1949
Bill Liscia
01-16-2012, 01:00 PM
Welcome to Botville!
We'll see you both then.
01-17-2012, 11:27 AM
I'm really pleased to announce that we have a fellow botter coming from The Domincan Republic to join us at the camp. I believe this will be Jose's first camp and we look forward to welcoming him to the community.
Attendance reservations are coming in fast and furious now but for those who have been putting it off don't worry. We have plenty of room and will make sure there are chairs and pizza for all.
For those who have yet to sign up don't forget to also send your phone, where your are coming from, how you use your ShopBot(if you have one), and which days you will be attending.
Put me down for two, Me and my son will be attending both days .
Need to see what new things Gary has up his sleeve
01-25-2012, 03:55 PM
Great Tom-By now Gary has probably seen this and is forewarned!
02-02-2012, 10:52 AM
OK, We're getting close to the Camp date(s), and if you have not yet contacted Dave or myself about your plans to attend, we'd ask that you do so in the next few days. It always helps us know the approximate number of people attending so we can be prepared. There is a LOT on the agenda (see above) so please let us know which day(s) you plan to be there. Thanks !!!
02-06-2012, 07:32 AM
Looks like it will be a great group. The "predictable" weather report just came out. Although we are getting some much needed rain today the end of the week is going to be 80 degrees and sunny. Time for you last minute folks sick of the cold to get your tickets!
Michael Breedlove
02-06-2012, 01:17 PM
How many are you expecting?
02-06-2012, 01:40 PM
At the moment we have 49 people who have RSVP'd that they plan to attend at least one of the two days, and most of these people will be there for both days...
Michael Breedlove
02-07-2012, 04:43 PM
That is a good turn out! Any recomendations for a moderately priced hotel in the area?
02-07-2012, 05:18 PM
There are a number of "chain" hotels such as Red Roof Inn, Comfort Inn, etc. within a few miles of Dave's Shop. He's right off of I-95 so you can pick just about ANY hotel near the interstate and be at his shop easily. Having said that do NOT choose the closest hotel, the "Days INN" as it is located just yards away from the local Amtrak rails and the trains run throughout the night....
(Been there, will NOT do it again....).
02-07-2012, 06:45 PM
Bill has very sensitive hearing!
I have received a few e-mails about nearby places to stay. The Days Inn is close but it is right by a pretty busy train track. A couple exits north around Cypress Creek and 95 there are a few other places like a Marriott and a Westin. Better soundproofing. The Days inn is a small motel, the others mentioned are more "hotel" but bookings can sometimes get a better price than any other method.
I have done pretty good finding places to stay by using google earth to locate the options and checking out the places. As a pretty large Metro area no-one is willing to negotiate a "group rate" unless an awful lot of rooms are guarenteed.
For anyone who is coming by camper or RV there is a very nice park a few miles away. Let me know if you want the info.
02-09-2012, 02:24 PM
Is there anywhere specific you would like us to park? It looked like you are in an industrial park and I don't want to make your neighbors mad by parking in their spots :)
02-09-2012, 07:01 PM
You can park anywhere in front of my shop or the mechanic just east of us as long as you don't block garage doors . You can also park anywhere behind us from the corner on the East side of the building on down, again, without blocking garage doors. There are a couple vacant or seldom used shops across the street you can also park in front of (no garage door blocking!) There are also a couple vacancies on our side of the street west of us and by 8:00 everyone who works on the block is there.
02-09-2012, 07:05 PM
We just got confirmation that due to a last minute time availability Brian Moran; the principle author of Vectric Software will be at the camp. He'll be on hand to answer specific questions as well as tell us about some of the latest and greatest in the vectric stable of software offerings.
Joe Welbourn
02-09-2012, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the parking tips. I too felt concern about parking. I drove by on my way to my hotel earlier around 4PM. I look forward to meeting everyone.
Carbon Marine
02-09-2012, 08:37 PM
Wish I could be there but unfortunately I have tooo much going on with kids and work stuff and not enough hours in the day, I'll be there in spirit I suppose.
Hopefully next year !!! Looks like you have a big turnout hope you have a great camp !!!
02-09-2012, 08:49 PM
I will be attending also. Sorry for the last minute rsvp. Wanna be Shopbotter, Mike Crompton.
02-09-2012, 09:45 PM
Mike,NO problem see you at the Camp !
02-11-2012, 09:41 PM
Thanks Dave for letting us have the camp at your place and thanks to all the ShopBot folks who organized it. I had a great time and learned a lot.
:) Had a great time! Thanks to all!
02-12-2012, 11:15 AM
Thanks to Dave for hosting the 2012 Camp 2012 in Oakland Park, Florida.
Had a GREAT TIME and learned a lot from all the Shopbotters that were eager to share their knowledge.
I took a few video snap shots that I thought I would share. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did being at the Shopbot Camp.
Here is a link to the video.
02-13-2012, 12:35 PM
Just got home from the camp and in my opinion it was the best yet and well worth the time. Much thanks to Dave for hosting and all the preparations. Both ShopBot and Vectric were well represented and the presentations were all excellent.
It was great meeting old friends and making new ones - it is an excellent community to be part of.
Brian Moran
02-13-2012, 06:51 PM
Many thanks to Dave for a great weekend. I learned a lot and met a great bunch of people.
02-13-2012, 07:16 PM
I, in turn, would like to thank everyone from coming and making it the great camp it was. I also thought that the presentations (mine excluded) were some of the best I have ever seen and the work samples that were brought were just fabulous. For me it was a real reminder of what a terrific craft tool the Bot can be in contrast to the production cutting that I mostly do. I look forward to retirement so I can put more of that kind of thing on my agenda.
John-your video was very cool.
I agree wholeheartedly with all that seeing old friends, meeting some friends face-to-face for the first time, and making new friends was right up there with learning new tricks.
Angus-I'll try my best!
Martha put a bunch of shots she took on the SB Facebook page and I will be sending the ones I took to Bill for posting on the camp Blog.
02-13-2012, 07:47 PM
Thank you, Dave, for hosting the Camp! We had a great time and enjoyed the opportunity to meet you in person, as well.
The presentations were extremely interesting, and I especially enjoyed meeting new friends and having a chance to talk to other ShopBotters. I left very inspired.
It was fun to see the ShopBot Desktop machines outfitted with the cool new accessories they are working on (3D Printing and rotary/turning for the Desktops). Particularly inspiring was the information about the 100K Garages and how ShopBot is working very hard to promote and foster what I feel will eventually become a strong player in improving the core of our economy (bringing clients and "makers" together).
Thank you ShopBot for sponsoring the event and cheers to Brian Moran from Vectric who surprised everyone at the last minute by flying all the way from England to attend the Camp!
Mark Farris
02-13-2012, 08:50 PM
A few thoughts on my first Camp Shopbot;
Thank you to Dave for opening up his shop to all of us.
What a great bunch of individuals to be associated with.
To Ted Hall and staff for their brains and persistence, although it is obvious Martha runs the place.
Thanks to Bill Palumbo for all his work.
Hope to see you soon for my new friends.
It is all made easier due to Brian and Vectric (although I really didn't understand much he said).
It was a wonderful experience and I intend to do it as much as the boss (wife) allows.
02-14-2012, 09:15 AM
It was great to see old friends and meet new friends. Thanks Dave for letting us get together in your shop. I know you had to shut down production for a few days to let us be there BUT I want to say THANK YOU!
02-14-2012, 09:18 AM
John, I posted your video on FaceBook...hope that is ok but I wanted to show people what happens at a camp!
02-14-2012, 12:40 PM
In addition to the video on the Facebook page I've just posted a bunch of info and images on the Shopbot Blog page;
Thanks to Dave, and everyone else who helped to make it a very productive, informative, and enjoyable weekend !!!!
02-14-2012, 02:16 PM
Hi Martha,
No problem on the video. Just wish it was a little more professional. Just some clips I took during the Camp.
Thanks again to Shopbot and Dave for allowing us to get together and network.
P.S. The food was yummy and appreciated by all who attended.
02-19-2012, 08:31 PM
Has anyone seen the new button software that Ted was talking about? I think he mentioned at the 2012 Florida Camp that we might see it this week.
Jose A Garcia RD
02-23-2012, 11:50 AM
Hello Everyone.
I would like to thank Shopbot and specially Dave for his hospitality. It was nice to meet everyone and share ideas with all of you. I am very glad that I attended and if possible will return.
If you are ever in the area or need any info form the Dominican Republic please let me know and I will do my best to help.
Thank You
Jose Garcia
Dominican Republic
02-23-2012, 04:31 PM
It was great to have you come Jose. I'm very glad that you found the trip informative and just may take you up on your offer. Your country is one that we have never visited but would like to.
03-04-2012, 08:04 PM
We've added some new pictures from the Florida Camp to the blog. You can see them all at-
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