View Full Version : Help file crashing shopbot indexer
02-08-2009, 04:25 PM
Having a problem with AN indexer file it gets to line 24 and I get an error message
Run time error ‘6’
then the software shuts down
This only happens when I use a file created with the indexer virtual tool and a parts wizard file
Always crashes when it starts to load stuff into the buffer
i tried deleting the offensive line in the file but it still pukes
I tried another parts wizard file
It runs other larger indexer files created with other cam software
John Haggerty
02-08-2009, 09:47 PM
send the file to me and i'll run out and see if it crashes on my bot. That might help determinee if it is somewhere in your hardware or software setup. Also if you have a picture or description of what it is supposed to be cutting (deminsions of project) would help.
02-09-2009, 12:19 PM
This could be because of a file size limitation on indexer files created with the virtual tool.
You might try to break the file into 2 (or more) smaller files and see if that helps. Good luck.
02-09-2009, 02:56 PM
Sometimes you can find info by searching the web. Try googling 'run time error 6'. Found this site for runtime errors:
Also, you could run by step to see where the program is actually dying. In the file dropdown menu for ShopBot run software you would select go to line/single step and when the box comes up click the next button to step through the program.
02-09-2009, 04:09 PM
It's hard to tell without looking at the file so feel free to email it to me and I'll check it out.
In general, though, the only times I've seen that error are with indexer files that are created with a very small tolerance value in Part Wizard, so that the segment length for each revolution are very short and the total degree value for the B axis gets so large that it fills up the available size allotted for it. The X, Y and Z axis can basically only get as large as your ShopBot is, but the degree values for an indexer accumulate as it spins and become REALLY large if the file is created with very small segments.
You can open the file in the Editor and see if the movements along the blank are really tiny for each revolution..if so then increasing the surface tolerance value a little in Part Wizard when you create your toolpath will make those segments a little longer and might help.
Just a possibility,
02-10-2009, 08:49 AM
John Try to incress the diameter of your blank. This error happened to me before. All I had to do was to increase the radius of the stock in the indexer tool.
02-10-2009, 12:09 PM
Bill I sent you the file. the number of degrees of rotation does seem big. how do i change the surface tolerance in part wizard?
02-10-2009, 04:53 PM
No good at typing instuctions but call my cell and I can talk you through this. I do a lot of turnings with my shopbot and had the same problem.
Mike Mason
03-03-2009, 10:21 PM
I've had the same error, and in my case it was caused by limits in total degrees of rotation. The exact maximum is 536,870° (or 1,492.3056 rotations). Any more than that will result in an overflow error and subsequent program crashing. You can easily test this by typing [JB] 536,871. If you get the overflow/crash, restart Sb3 and try [JB] 536,870. That should work just fine.
While this number for maximum degrees of rotation seems quite high, as Bill Young has pointed out above, the number of rotations can quickly add up with otherwise common toolpath settings.
For instance, using a 1/8" ball-nose, and a stepover of .0125" (along the same axis as the turning), the maximum length of a turning is 18.6413", regardless of diameter.
I've checked, and this is still true with the most recent version of the control software (3.5.18). For now, the only solution I've been able to come up with is either cutting the turning with multiple toolpaths or changing some of the settings in the toolpath. I'm working on an alternate idea using Excel to edit the file, but haven't quite figured it out yet.
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