View Full Version : FYI - Cherry Board shortage

12-03-2011, 08:06 PM
I don't know why, but there seems to be a shortage on the 9 X 12 Cherry Boards sold by "Michaels". I bought all they had in two different cities in northern Utah a few months ago and tried to buy more today, but they have discontinued selling them.

I checked with AMAZON.COM and they only had a few left, which I bought.

These boards make excellent plaques for CNC Carving because the boards were already finished on the edge with a nice Ogee and the hard cherry grain rendered excellent detail for 3D carving.

These boards were made by Walnut Hollow and sold by Michaels.

If anyone knows of another source, please let us know.

Here are a few of my carved samples from the Cherry Boards.


12-04-2011, 01:39 AM
What was the pricing like?

12-04-2011, 01:21 PM
I sent you a P.M. but i just found these through amazon.com sold directly from their site


Brady Watson
12-04-2011, 05:26 PM
Hmmm...We've been burning a lot of cherry in the wood stove. Sure smells nice! :D


12-04-2011, 07:15 PM
Thanks guys for your input.

Brady W.
Shame on you for wasting such precious/beautiful wood. The area where I live in northern Utah has numerous Cherry Orchards and every year I shed a tear when I drive by in the spring and see all the prunings being burned.

Scott W, you have a PM from me.


Brady Watson
12-04-2011, 09:56 PM
It's from a local tree service...pretty knarly stuff. Nothing good enough to machine. Smells heavenly though...


12-05-2011, 11:22 AM
George - Here is one place to check out. They don't list cherry on their website, but they do on the pricelist that they sent to me. On the pricelist, a 12x9 cherry plaque is $11.74. If you buy 12-24 pieces, the price goes down to $10.50.


12-05-2011, 11:24 AM
Try http://www.wooddealsonline.com/ (http://www.wooddealsonline.com/)

look to the right for the kind of wood you are looking for, it will bring up all the auctions on eBay and what the bids are. To bid just click on the photo and it will take you right to the auction.

12-11-2011, 09:55 AM
we have 3100 walnut 9 x 12 plaques purchased as "misengraved" in a storage unit,, we have been running them thru the planner at .0625 to remove the laser engrave. purchase must be some bulk and if you have a shipping acct we can bundle on a pallet, plaques are ogee edged and natural finish. they are packaged large size 9 x 12 and 20 to a box on average

call john direct at 803 629 5768

12-11-2011, 04:44 PM

They had a great selection the last time I was there. Pricing is on-line and I'm pretty sure they ship although I couldn't find shipping info on their web site today.

12-11-2011, 11:47 PM
if you have no other resort see if you have anyone with a sawmill locally. Or try calling your local tree cutting services. I have bought a whole cherry tree for the cost of 2 six packs of beer and had them drop it off at my friends place who owns a bandsaw mill (it was convienent).

You can also check craigslist for guys who have a portable bandsaw mill. If all you want is a few premade pieces to carve this isn't for you but you would probably never need to buy any wood ever again!:eek: