View Full Version : Is there an app for this?

12-22-2011, 08:34 PM
If you are like me, i have various types of files (shopbot and not) in folders all over in a couple different drives. They might be named something different or not.

The point is sometimes it takes a basic manual search thru folder after folder to try to find something because I might forget where i put it. The problem I have is i find myself going back thru folders i have already searched because i don't remember that i have already searched it.

My question is, is there any type of app that acts like windows explorer that lets you search thru folders but somehow greys out folders or somewhow marks folders that you have already opened?:confused:

12-22-2011, 10:08 PM
Jack, An app may not be the only answer. It seems that there is a trend towards adding "meta-data" to your files. These are key works that you attach to the file (somehow?) that searches can find. I'm just learning about using this capability in Final Cut Pro X, a video editing program and it works great for finding and filtering but, unfortunately, I have no idea about how to use the capability in other programs. Maybe someone like Dana does?

12-22-2011, 10:19 PM
This is why i have stacks and stacks of subfolders on my computer. I wish i could add tags to files.

12-23-2011, 12:11 AM
aspire will help in the new files will show a preivew of the part in the thumbnail view. but it means you have to open the file and save it again to get it to work.

12-23-2011, 09:40 AM
This is not only for shopbot related files but all other files. Sometimes I might be looking for a dxf of a reindeer i got say a year ago. I try to remember to put all dxf's in a folder named "dxfs" but sometimes it sneaks out of there and hides in other folders and i forget where it is.

I then have to manually do a search clicking from folder to folder. The problem is it might not be named "reindeer.dxf" so i can't do a name search, and many times i leave files zipped up in folders so it's hard to try to do a "*.dxf" and list all of the same type file search.

That was why I wanted something to try to denotefolders already opened because when you go thru 30-40 folders by the time you get to #40 you forgot that you went thru #1

BTW I am also open to sugguestions as to a better way to file things!:rolleyes:

12-23-2011, 10:01 AM
Windows Vista and 7 search will look through zipped up folders as well if you set it that way using the search options tab under Tools/Folder options in Explorer. It's a bit slow as you have to tell it to ignore the index as well.

For your example I'd search for *.dxf in the search pane (I use Window Key - F) and that would bring up an explorer window with all the dxf files found. You can then sort that list in whatever way makes it easier to locate that file from there.

If you've got Windows 7 then the libraries feature can make it a lot easier to group various folders together as well.

12-23-2011, 10:10 AM
Only way i've found to help out with these issues is be meticulous. I have a 1TB drive half full of nothing but woodworking related files. I cut the sub folders down by subjects and further down in to styles then include different file types in the folders. With that, i set up the system to view in a details form. Then i can click either type, date, name etc etc up top to help organize them further depending on what i'm looking for.

Best of luck

12-23-2011, 11:37 AM
Why don't you download a dxf previewer? If you know the name of file use the "search programs and folders" that opens once you click you start icon?
Also I have my computer set to "show tiles" instead of list when looking at folders. If none of those work then it is basically how you store and file your graphics. I think we all do it different and to what may work best for the individual. Sounds like some time may be needed to catalog your files and artwork Jack. ;)

12-23-2011, 12:15 PM

You don't mention what operating system you are using. If XP, then download Windows Search 4.0 for XP (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=23) They also have a version for Vista.
For Windows 7 to search inside Zip files you may need an iFilter. You can download a free version Here. (http://www.ifiltershop.com/zipfilter.html) This also works with XP/Vista - may give more zip search results.

The trick to this is tedious, also. You can add metadata to files by right clicking them and select properties. In the summary tab you can add information, including keywords and comments. Then you will be able to search very specifically.

Windows Search can be set to search anywhere and you can specify file types, etc. with the option to search files names only, or names and content. Be careful not to select the whole C drive for instance, though, as it will try to index everything...

The first time it builds the index, it may take awhile, but it slows the indexing when you are working on something, so I don't find it noticably slowing my system.

12-23-2011, 12:16 PM
In reference to Glen's "Previewer" thought, IrfanView http://www.irfanview.com/ is a good one. Using the thumbnail part of the program, you can view thumbnails of many file formats. Get the "Large" plugin along with the "Ghostscript" plugin for viewing eps and pdf files.

12-23-2011, 01:18 PM
I use MysticThumbs. It has the advantage of creating the thumbnails right in Windows explorer so there's no need to use a separate viewing program.

Downside is that it doesn't support DXF files though.

12-23-2011, 07:29 PM
I use infran viewer for dxf and my problem for the most part is that i might find something named "xmas artwork.dxf" that might infact be a reindeer but is not named properly or might have numbers instead of a name.

I might drop that into the folder named "dxf's" and i'm not so much looking for an app that shows me the contents but somehow lets me know within this particular search i have already looked in that folder, like say greying in out or something to show i've opened it up.

The REAL problem is I have no good organization, so its like walking into the house of a hoarder and you say "where do i begin?":eek: there is so much stuff in so many different folders.
I am using windows 7.

I am afraid my extenal drive may fail one day and i lose all my "stuff". I was going to buy another external drive to copy and backup this first drive. I may have to manually go thru each folder to copy to the new drive and redo my filing system then.

12-23-2011, 07:46 PM
Wish I could connect google search to my old drives, like you Jack Iaint orgy nized..so when I go lookin it has to be worth it..

12-23-2011, 09:14 PM
Actually Jack

what about literally using your web browser to explore your hard drive.
Try typing in " file:///C:/ " into the address bar, go to your c drive, users, blah blah blah.
Once you've gone to a link in the browser, it'll indicate that you've been there like any website link. Back, forward buttons all work too. Don't ask me why i didn't think of it before.


12-23-2011, 10:15 PM
using your suggestion of typing file:///C:/ (file:///C:/) in the address bar what happens is it pulls up windows explorer and the folder but not within the browser window, that stays blank.

I must be doing something wrong?:confused:

12-23-2011, 11:04 PM

try one less forward slash... // not ///


12-24-2011, 10:43 AM
It's probably the browser you're using. I use google chrome on win 7. Try typing just " c: " then enter, if the browser is modern it should pop up the proper path for you. This is what I get on either firefox or chrome.

12-24-2011, 12:03 PM
Interesting... I'm using IE9 with win 7 and am seeing nothing like that. Is it a Google feature?


12-24-2011, 12:34 PM
First off i refuse to use IE any version. IE is way too slow compared to other options and often uninstall it unless i need to test websites after building. Firefox (first pic) is based on the old netscape browser and Chrome (second) is based on the open source chromium browser. As far back as i can remember, specially on a linux system, these browsers can be used to browse your drives on the computer. You can also remotely access your system this way from another computer knowing the IP address or setting up a network folder with file sharing.

12-24-2011, 12:37 PM
I just ran to another computer quick and it looks like IE defaults directly to windows explorer. Get chrome or firefox to browse like i've shown.


12-24-2011, 03:39 PM
Hi Randy,
I will go get chrome and try this, however, i'm still confused...using this...when you go from one folder to another does it somehow show me that i have already visited this folder, which is originally what i wanted to do?:confused:

12-24-2011, 03:57 PM
Agree with Randy on IE. Only keep it around for the occasional site that may have issues with Firefox (not much of that anymore). IE being more part of the system just opens up Windows Explorer. Besides that, I just hate the way it works after using Firefox and Google Chrome.

Jack, you could look into some of the Explorer replacements (of which there are many) and see if one of them allows some kind of checkmarking. Many allow a tabbed interface where you could open each location in a separate tab and by either closing or not closing a tab, you would know that you have been there....maybe.

Never-the-less, it sounds like you and your file system need to spend some quality time together to sort things out (I need to go there myself someday). ;)

12-24-2011, 04:18 PM
Hi Randy,
I will go get chrome and try this, however, i'm still confused...using this...when you go from one folder to another does it somehow show me that i have already visited this folder, which is originally what i wanted to do?:confused:

Just like clicking links on a web page. Take a look at this screen shot. Unvisited links show up blue, the one's i have been to show up purple.

12-24-2011, 04:34 PM
Also keep in mind, to reset what you have visited, you need to clear the browser history.

12-24-2011, 05:39 PM
Never-the-less, it sounds like you and your file system need to spend some quality time together to sort things out (I need to go there myself someday).
Tell me something I DON'T KNOW! :eek: lol

I wanted to setup another seperate external HD and as I sort things out for the new HD i wanted to make sure i wasn't just dumping copies of same things in various folders and ending up with the same problem i have now. Thus the need for checkmarking (thanks for that term now maybe i can get better search results at tucows or download.com):eek:

Also i recall there was a free microsoft app, a tip from someone here long ago, that when you save something it saves a copy to another folder? That sounds like it was something Dana would know about but i forget who to attribute the tip to...:)

12-24-2011, 06:30 PM
Ha, not so sure that "checkmarking" is much of a term as it was just a discription. ;)

There are numerous "duplicate file" finders/cleaners out there.

SyncToy may be what you're thinking of. http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15155

Another way, if your computers are online, is Windows Live Mesh. SyncToy will work between two computers per folder pair, but Windows Live Mesh will sync between numerous computers and the cloud.

I like using WLM to keep my user data folder for Vectric products synced between the shop, desk, and laptop and backed up online.

12-24-2011, 07:29 PM
Synctoy, thats it, i'm glad I remembered that...lol:rolleyes: