View Full Version : Drilling holes incorrect position

01-10-2012, 07:32 PM
I am trying to make the move into cutting closet parts and I am using flip-ops for the first time and RTA fittings for the first time . In cutting long closet parts with lots of holes I noticed that the RTA 5mm hole at one end of a part was closer to the edge of the part by about 3mm than it was at the other end . I did a test with a single RTA top and bottom on a cabinet
and noticed that the location error always is in in one direction along the X

I ran 2 parts for the sides to see what was happening with only the RTA 5mm holes. I nested the 2 sides so that one had it's bottom facing 0,0 and the other so it's top was facing 0,0 . The holes seem to be in the wrong place at one end of each part (the end facing 0,0) . I checked the part paramaters with a nest on E-cabinets and it places them in the correct location ? These parts had no flip-ops on them. Hole placement in the Y axis is fine ....

I am stumped . Any ideas appreciated . I have rullede out vacuum causing the parts to slip , if that was the case all holes would be wrong but it appears only some are ....:(

01-10-2012, 07:46 PM
Email me the ESJ and give me a call.

01-13-2012, 05:08 PM
I have solved my problem with the help of Nat Wheatley and Gary Campbell . In the end my air-drill offsets were off by about a millimeter and once tweaked everything was fine . In the process my knowledge of E-cabinets got deeper and my appreciation for this community was reinforced . It took me 3 days of generating more scrap than I can handle but I am now confident I can produce closet parts to open up a new business for me .

I am now able to fully use the Link . I am now doing full sheet flip-ops and doing parts more complex than I dreamed of when I started this CNC journey . To think one of the first CNC guys I talked to locally told me it was a waste of time pursuing cabinets on a CNC :D

In an earlier part of this journey when preparing to do flip-ops I did find a new part that I was able to use for flip-op fences as described by Don Thomson in another thread . These devices allow me to take my fence out temporarily while I surface my table with a quick twist of an allen-key http://www.leevalley.com/en/wood/page.aspx?p=59754&cat=1,41637

Have a good weekend everyone
:( changed to :)

01-13-2012, 06:15 PM
Good to hear it all worked out for you Bill!

How are things North of the border?

01-13-2012, 07:10 PM
Hi Erminio , nice to here from you . Things are busy enough for me at the moment. Adding closet capability is something I have thought about for a long time but flip-ops was one of those things I was not sure how to go about and was busy enough with other things. That is the beauty of CNC. You can turn your business in many directions with the tools it provides.

We just got a big dump of snow so winter is offically on again :).

All the best in 2012, Bill