View Full Version : Rhino export 2D curves as vectors ???

01-12-2012, 02:38 PM
I can't figure out how to make my 2D curves in rhino export into partworks but still remain vectors. I've tried several variations and file formats but once in partworks it is transformed from a curve into multiple line segments. True arcs and circles export fine, but the curves formed by multiple control points are the problem. I've tried searching but everything I found relates to meshes in 3d. Any ideas? Thanks.

01-12-2012, 02:53 PM
I don't use Rhino or know it's export options but with other programs I've got around that problem by exporting as EPS rather than DXF.

01-12-2012, 03:13 PM
I don't see an option to export as .eps. I even tried exporting as an .ai file but that didn't work either.

01-12-2012, 03:47 PM
Exporting from Rhino using "R12 lines and arcs" should work. You could also try "Curve fit vector" in PartWorks to change the line segments back to curves.

01-13-2012, 11:24 AM
I tried using the "R12 Arcs & Lines" but that still divided the free form curves into line segments. The "curve fit vector" is a neat function I never knew about, thanks for sharing. The only thing that concerns me is that a lot of the free form curves join together (kind of like puzzle pieces) so the tolerances need to be pretty high. When I used the "curve fit vector" it looks like it strayed from the original points 0.1 inches in some spots.

01-13-2012, 02:08 PM
If you look in the curve fit dialog, you will find a tollerance box. You get to control the trade off between number of resulting curves and overall accuracy. Experiment with it.

Paul Z

06-16-2012, 11:22 PM
I'm updating this thread for the purpose of hopefully being useful to other Rhino users. I've been saving my Rhino files as .dwg files to import into ParkWorks. My curves from Rhino have always appeared as line segments in Partworks that I would then convert to bezier by using the "curve fit vector" command. I encountered a recent problem in which my line segments would not convert to bezier using the "curve fit vector" command. After much troubleshooting I found a solution:

1)From Rhino click on save as, then select .dwg from the dropdown menu
2)Click on "Edit Schemes" from the next Popup window
3)Change the settings to the pic below.
4)Click on Save As in this menu to save this scheme. I named my scheme "PartWorks Ready"
5)Make sure this scheme is used in the future when saving .dwg for Partworks

PS. Play around with the different settings to fit any special requirements you might have.

06-17-2012, 09:40 AM
We recently just got started with Rhino. I've been saving everything as DXF for 2D stuff into partworks, and STL for 3D models. We haven't had any problem with free form curves breaking up as a DXF.

06-17-2012, 05:43 PM
I tried the dxf option but still got the small line segments. All of the line segments I get from freeform curves are still joined and still look like a freeform curve in PartWorks2D but if you click on "Node Editing" and select the curve, you will see it's composed of lots of small straight lines. Here's an example:

Freeform curve "looks" correct in PartWorks:

Freeform curve selected with "Node Editing" in PartWorks:

Let me know if yours is like this or different. Because if it is different, I would be interested in your settings. :)

06-17-2012, 08:00 PM
I tried the dxf option but still got the small line segments. All of the line segments I get from freeform curves are still joined and still look like a freeform curve in PartWorks2D but if you click on "Node Editing" and select the curve, you will see it's composed of lots of small straight lines. Here's an example:

Freeform curve "looks" correct in PartWorks:

Freeform curve selected with "Node Editing" in PartWorks:

Let me know if yours is like this or different. Because if it is different, I would be interested in your settings. :)

OK, I see what you are saying, we are getting the same results with all the nodes. Does having all these nodes effect quality of cut in PW2D? Everything we cut is "rough" cut and we do a lot of handwork to get things where they need to be just becuase of the nature of the build (mandolins).

06-18-2012, 12:13 AM
Yes, these lines do affect the quality because the machine will actually cut all of these line segments instead of cutting it as a freeform curve. You should be able to use the parameters I posted earlier in this thread, and then use the "Fit Curves to Selected Vectors" command in PartWorks 2D to transform the line segments into a freeform curve. Once you click on this command, an option box will appear, and from that you will most likely want to select "Bezier Curves" and then set the tolerance to 0.001", and check the box for "Replace Selected Vectors". If possible, I would try this method cutting the pieces to exact size to eliminate the cleanup by handwork. Even if you still have to do handwork, I promise this method will make your curves come out much smoother.

06-21-2012, 02:27 AM
Paul- is it possible when you are exporting as dxf the curves are 'grouped' in Rhino? That messes everything up. If you make certain to ungroup (I typically repeat that command til geometry stops 'blinking') and use a scheme that is tweaked for partworks you should be fine. I do this all the time with no problems. Block instances and grouping can really foul up a dxf export. Also do you use the 'export selected' command? It's much nicer than a save as approach in my opinion.

06-21-2012, 09:17 AM
I never have used any groups or blocks in Rhino. You're correct, the "export selected" command is much easier. I just discovered that command about a week ago.:)

06-21-2012, 11:39 AM
Would you mind sending me a .3dm file you are trying to get into partworks and having problems exporting? I'm curious if I can replicate the problem.

06-22-2012, 05:55 PM
Do you have an email I can send the file to. I don't think I can upload a .3dm file on the forum.

06-22-2012, 10:15 PM
Mike at wow dash huh dot com