View Full Version : ShopBot is kinda slow today..

01-20-2012, 06:35 AM
Hi everybody

This is my first post here. We have just installed a ShopBot here in Copenhagen, Denmark - and everything is apparently working allright - but I have A LOT of questions.

But one of the more urgent is, that our SB seems to be a little slow the last couple of days. There is no problem when cutting - but when we use the arrow keys for setting X,Y - it has suddenly begun to move very slowly. However if we hold down the Ctrl.-key it moves at the correct fast speed.

What can have happened?

Kind regards, David

01-20-2012, 07:14 AM
It will go at whatever the move speed is set to on the Speeds tab (and at jog speed if you hold down control).

The most likely explanation is that someone or something changed that speed a couple of days ago from what it was before.