View Full Version : A basic post but ...
I know this is a fairly basic post but the time to cut it what, I think, is special.
30" long, 2 3/4" dia. in a single pass.
Total cut time just 15 min. including the square top. I used a 1/2" rough cut end mill moving a 5 ISP.
Now maybe I've missed something along the way but if this post were cut using the indexer tool it would take well over one hour.
I developed a new cut strategy that allows even long posts and small diameters to be cut with almost no chatter.
I cut a 60" long post with a gradual taper from 1 3/8" to 1" diameter and had almost no chatter and little sanding for a perfect smooth finish. And no center support for vibration.
05-31-2009, 10:30 PM
It sounds more like a a toolpath like you would cut with a lathe as opposed to a carving toolpath. How bout sharing more details or more pictures. The cutting time is definitely a saver, sounds very interesting.
05-31-2009, 10:48 PM
Ok, I dare you - I'm just now attaching my small lathe to the end of my table to turn a couple of 53" posts for lamp bases. If it works I'll be able to use the setup for routine turning with the ShopBot.
Any help would be much appreciated.
06-01-2009, 03:04 AM
We can make assumptions till he corrects us here but this is what i have been trying to do for a while because i have always felt a "latheturning" strategy for symetrical turnings is far more efficient then a carving strategy where you use a ballnose bit to run down the axis, turn 1 degree, repeat.
This is how it is done on my legacy ornamental mill and is pretty efficient. Hopefully he will give us all the detials, its sounds promising.
Well guys here goes.
First this routine is set up for an indexer mounted along the X axis but I'm sure that that could be changed with a little thought.
If you have trouble reading SB code and understanding this may not be for you. Although everything is documented fairly well, I think.
The strategy is cut length wise down the post, rotate the indexer a degree or two (aka step over)and cut again length wise. Do this over and over till it's cut all the way around. The real issue is all cuts must be done climb mill to avoid harmonic vibration and tool chatter. So a L2R AND R2L tool path is necessary. With ArtCam that isn't an issue it's just climb mill (L2R)or conventional (R2L) cutting on a regular 2D profile. Then use flipper in the ShopBot tools tool box to switch Y to Z, a small edit and go. All of this is documented in the software routine.
The code isn't fancy and takes a little getting used to at first. It has no fancy user interface but if you read through the programming notes and change the variables accordingly it works and it's fast.
It will even do the fluting if you produce another tool path for it.
3013 (9.6 k)
06-01-2009, 10:52 PM
I don't quite fully understand this but i'm getting the general idea. If i were to want to just simply make this profile and not change any variables when you click the preview button it looks for a file called L2R.sbp, which i assume is the file you posted. Should we just rename this file?
This looks like quite a bit of work so I appreciate this. I'm sure i will have more questions as i go along. Thanks!
06-02-2009, 02:16 AM
I took your file (as is) and tried it, setting my Zzero at center of material. Took bit out to just aircut and what happened was it never moved any axis but as the code whizzed by it jumped to each "pause" line in the code then just had a error message "code 91" (I thought i had made a screencap of error code message but when i got in house couldn't find it) so i can't be more specific. I will try it again tomorrow.
Can this file be run as is to just make a copy of what you made? Also what was a little strange when i Zzero then start the file the Z reads 4.1xx(?) in the Z axis panel and never changes.
No you can not run the file as is because it is was left set for a custom profile.
Did you read all of the programming notes line by line as suggested? You need to do that in order to help understand the routine and how to use it. Yes I know it can be somewhat confusing to use a routine like this at first but this is how I code special routines.
To run the file as is change the variable on line 51 from (&post_type = 2) to (&post_type = 1 and re-save. This will give you a simple round tapered post from 1.375 down to .75 dia. 31" long.
Don't forget to re-save or your changes will have no effect.
The L2R.sbp and R2L.sbp are my profile name for the post in the picture that I posted above.
06-02-2009, 07:38 AM
Yes, I read the notes that doesn't mean i understood them though, lol.
That was why I asked if this file could be run as is, so that you could cut the same thing you did and refer back to the notes and extrapilate it to your example and figure out that "this line of codes produces this result, and this produces this result, ect." at least that is the way i have a better understanding.
I am not great with writing code and being able to visualize what that will result in. I'm more visually oriented.
My first run thru, i get the basic idea, it is giving me choices and based on those choices that has a determining factor on the design.
I will endeavor to figure this out and report my progress (or lack thereof). Hopefully others will pick this up too and add to the discussion.
Any other random notes or thoughts that might come to you please post them. Thanks for this...
06-02-2009, 04:20 PM
Well, you got my interest up. I will have to give this a try. I a little confused on how switching the y and z helps. I'm running artcam for my stuff. So I'll post later with my results.
If you create a tool path with ArtCam in normal 2d style what you get is a tool path that cuts an XY direction profile. That won't work on the indexer, what you need is a tool path that cuts in an XZ direction profile. Just think of it as cutting a profile on the table and the turning it up on its edge so the Y direction cuts are vertical to the table.
That's why you need to swap Y to Z.
06-02-2009, 07:28 PM
I use a similar method for my turnings. Most of the cutting is lengthwise , easier on the indexer mortor. In artcam I do the models and save the toolpath useing the indexer post p. I also do a turning toolpath and edit out all but the last pass. All of these legs were done this way.
I have seen post talking about an indexer postp?
What version of ArtCam is it in?
I have 8.2. and I don't seem to have it.
06-03-2009, 06:30 AM
I have verson 2008. I think I aquired those posrp after , either from artcam or shopbot. Any way here they are. (if they upload!)
indexer pp
3015 (2.9 k)
ipp 2
3016 (2.9 k)
06-03-2009, 11:37 AM
O.k. I'm with you now. I gonna have to play with this for a while. I think I see what's happening but when I see it on the router that will help.
06-03-2009, 03:31 PM
Wow, you have great legs!! (the wooden ones, that is). Love the weave pattern.
06-03-2009, 07:21 PM
Do you have a regular motor also hooked up to the lathe head (in addition to the indexer) to do the sanding? They look really well finished!!!!!
06-03-2009, 07:33 PM
Jim , I have another lathe that I sand on. In the photo #5 leg is right off the indexer - not sanded yet. The #2leg is sanded but not finished , the rest are sanded (80 & 100 grit) and finished. I use two bits to cut , 1/2"round nose to rough out and 3/16" round nose to turn the final pass. I have two spindles so I put on a square blank come back 1 1/2 hrs. later and take off a leg ready to sand.
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