02-16-2012, 04:34 PM
I'm waiting for Frank to give me a call back but if anyone has a link to a comparable motor on Oriental's site i would be appreciative. a6497 9412ktg is the model number. Would like all specs but what i really need is the amps per phase so i can get ahold of the proper resistor for my Gecko Drive.
Brady Watson
02-16-2012, 11:39 PM
1.5A/phase, but put in a resistor rated for 2A. You'll get a tad more torque out of it.
02-17-2012, 08:43 AM
Is the A6497 9412KTG a geared motor? If it is, look at the Oriental Motor PK296A1A-SG3.6 for comparison. The SG3.6 has a different type of gearbox, but the motor is electrically equivalent.
The PK296A1A-SGxx motor is rated 1A when wired bipolar-series or 1.5A when wired half-coil. Unfortunately, the A6497 9412KTG motors were supplied with only four wires which makes wiring them half-coil impossible.
When the PK296A1A-SGxx motors are wired bipolar-series, they are rated 30.8 mH, which also means that they would have to be used with a 170VDC power supply to get peak performance. I'm not aware of any readily available and affordable stepper drivers that can be run at 170VDC.
If the PK296A1A-SGxx motors are wired half-coil, they are rated 7.7mH, so they could be used with an 80VDC power supply.
The Oriental Motor PK296-01A is the same motor without a gearbox.
If you have Geckodrive G203v stepper drivers, I would recommend looking at the PK296A2A-SG2.6 motor as a replacement. Wire it half-coil (Black/Yellow and Red/White wires). Use an 80k 1/4w current limiting resistor on the G203v (or nearest standard value from Radio Shack). Use a 35VDC power supply (8A or higher) that has at least 15,000 uF capacitance and you'll see some real improvement.
If your controller can put out 30,000 pulses per second, consider using the PK296A2A-SG7.2 motors instead. Its gearbox is rated at about 600 oz*in compared to the 300 oz*in of the 3.6:1 model. With 25-tooth pinion gears (1.25" pitch diameter), at 30,000 pulses per second, you will get about 8-ips jogging speed.
Don't be fooled with the computed resolution with either the SG3.6 or SG7.2 gearbox. The SG model has more inherent backlash than the TH model that Shopbot supplied. My SG motors have no discernible backlash, but they have never been off my test bench.
If you are adventuresome, use PK296-F4.5A motors wired parallel with a 35VDC power supply, a 130k 1/4w current limiting resistor, and build your own 3.6:1 or 4:1 belt-drive drive transmissions. Because a belt-drive transmission can handle all the torque that the motor can produce, a 3.6:1 transmission will produce 100 lb*in of torque (1,600 oz*in). That's more torque than the Alpha's gearbox can handle.
If you use the A2A or the F4.5A motors, you will need to use heat sinks on your Geckdrive G203v stepper drivers.
02-17-2012, 01:39 PM
There we go, thanks guys. Much appreciated.
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