View Full Version : Hmmm... Some Basic 4th axis work --- Not that good but enough for my Training
01-29-2009, 09:22 AM
After long long time since built of my Indexer, Today I worked on my 4th axis... Did some flutes and Vcarving on scrap wood ... Seems good.. hope i will do some ropes soon;)
01-29-2009, 02:33 PM
You could take this same toolpath and using a rope spiraling bit could turn it into this pretty easy.
01-29-2009, 09:36 PM
Jack...Thanks for the post and good information... I will try to custom make this tool...
01-29-2009, 10:50 PM
Where did you obtain your rope spiraling bit(s)?
01-30-2009, 01:12 AM
Khalid, no need to custom make any tools.
John go to:
others have complained about magnate bits and my experience is mixed but I don't know of other places to get these types of bits.
Jack, what kind of complaints have others posted?
Form Tooling is kind of a niche market, this is why you can't find them.
To keep their costs down Magnate puts the profile on a blank carbide blade and silver solders it to the tool body. This is a normal.
But sometimes when conditions are right the silver solder may not hold, or make the carbide more brittle.
Making form tooling like that out of solid carbide is very expensive, But if I was going to try something I'd have South East Tools or Whiteside alter their 120° and put the inside radius on. Probably last longer and it'll be a beefier tool. ( I prefer South East Tools )
01-30-2009, 02:40 PM
I tried looking for a picture i had of one of my bits i sent to magnate to show you a problem i had but couldn't find it. Anyway what i saw was the carbide seemed to chip at the top of the tool not really in a place where it met the material and they replaced it. It only happened once and i never dropped this bit. Other than that they have been ok for me.
When they get those carbide blanks in, they come in a box packed back to front. Sometimes with paper between each one. One could have been dropped when handling or when they're grinding the form.
There could have been a crack on the backside and went unnoticed.
They look like they have a good product, I have them booked marked will have to try them out.
01-30-2009, 03:04 PM
I think I have to Profile the part on lathe to the exact contour.. For this I will CNC cut the template on the router and give it to the Lathe Boy...
After getting the finish part, i will make some Vectors and use FEATURE MACHINING operation for the barley twist or any other v-carving on non-cylindrical shape/profile..
The second option is to make the relief and cut it through the will take longer time, multipassess...
01-30-2009, 05:45 PM
Maybe i don't exactly understand but it sounds like you are saying you have to carve this with a long toolpath.
I can cut this barley twist or spiral toolpaths in less than 2 minutes. For an example to show you go to:
If you would like me to make a toolpath for you to try email me and i can make you something.
01-31-2009, 12:10 AM
The barley twist on straight cylinder can be cut in less than 2 minutes...I agreed...but if i want to make the barley twist on irregular shape (tapered and curved cylinder) it will take hours..
It will take hours because i will have to first relief carve the shape by multipassess with smaller tool say 1/8" ball nose tool ..This will take a lot of time...
Then I will use the barley twist tool and Feature Machine The twist in less than 02 minutes... I will use Artcam for that purpose...
01-31-2009, 01:05 AM
Sorry..Jack I am running two threads at a time so confusion happened here
In other thread the discussion carrying regarding some different profile machining..
03-05-2009, 11:45 PM
I finally got around to ordering a set of the Magnate bits you indicated above, but haven't had the time to try them out yet. Do you have any recommendations for chip load/rpm's, step down, and move speeds?
Also, am I correct in thinking that a 2" bit (for example) would need to move 2" per 360° for a single rope spiral and 4"/360° for a pair of rope spirals?
Any tips from your experiences would be most welcome.
03-06-2009, 05:39 AM
Hey Jack & Khalid, I do not have a 4th axis but I do have a legacy and agree with Jack. Legacy as made their mark with spiral/tilt table turning machines and now is offering a rather expensive CNC based adaption.
The folks at Magnate and legacy have the right dialog for that type of work and plunge bits.
So compared to a tiny 3D style profile to accomplish a profile, the combination of plunge bits, CNC, and turning, looks like a good combination.
Wish I had an indexer set up on the bot. Maybe soon?.
03-06-2009, 09:52 AM
Jerry...You can see my INDEXER work in INDEXER CATOGARY of Shopbot Forum... My indexer is very very very simple... I just practice on it and it gives me quality work..
03-06-2009, 11:26 AM
John Ervin email me off forum and give me specific measurements of your part and bit and I can make you some spiral files that should take about 1 minute to cut. This way you can see speeds, cut depth ect.
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