View Full Version : mounting spindle top two screws

02-25-2012, 03:41 PM
As others have reported, I at first couldnt figure out yesterday how to get in the top two machine screws in.

Not wanting to take the machine apart, I managed to get the two screws in place, screw them in by hand as far as I could, then I took a hex driver from a set I have and used a small rachet to drive the screws home.

Barring that, an Allen hex key cut down would have fit.

Now if I can only figure out how to get my man sized fingers into the space where the screw is to hold the dust shroud... ;)


Brady Watson
02-25-2012, 08:01 PM
You can remove the top-most 3/16" hex from the Z gear rack - which is the mechanical stop for the lowest stroke of the Z. Move the table all the way back behind the spindle. You may have to disengage it to get enough room, then move the z down past the stop point to get that last little bit you need to get the top 2 bolts properly torqued down. You can wedge something soft between the pinion & rack to resist the springs pushing the Z back up.

While you are there...You want to take a good square and square the spindle body (not the plate), to the table. You *may* have to completely remove the spindle adapter plate and adjust to get the spindle to mount perfectly perpendicular.

Same deal with the dust foot...move the table all the way back from the spindle so you have some more room towards the floor to slip the dust foot in. Loosen the thumb screw after you have it lowered down enough to access it, then raise the Z back up to give you room to get it into the extrusion.


02-25-2012, 09:58 PM
I really dont want to have to disengage the pinion, and pull the buddy table forward, off of the rear guides (to allow the Z to drop down far enough) every time I want to adjust the dust shroud... its pretty heavy as is, and when I get my extended table on it, I will need help to support the table. There has to be a better way... Will work out something, just give me time :)

I checked my spindle, it is square to the table.