View Full Version : Cutting a 3D profile in PW or PW3D

03-02-2012, 07:43 PM
Does anyone know a way to get ShopBot to cut a 3D profile in either Partworks or Partworks 3D. I have an application where I need to cut a profile but the catch is that it is 3 dimensional.

If I can't do it on PW or PW3D, can anyone recommend a software package which will work. Cheaper is better.


03-03-2012, 12:49 AM
Are you asking how to cut the perimeter of a 3D file?


03-03-2012, 10:51 AM
Hi Steve,
Think of it as trying to cut a regular circle profile except that instead of it being a flat circle with one level of Z, it is a bent 3D circle with changing levels of Z. If you look at the profile from the top, it looks just like a circle but from the sides it has a convex and concave shape. Like a bent washer or coin.

I attached a Jpg of the line if it helps.


03-03-2012, 11:28 AM
you mean you want to make a dish? With or without your 3d carving in the middle of it? Or a "stepped dish"?

03-03-2012, 02:35 PM
I just want the cutter to follow the line of the drawing. Just like it would if it were a 2D circle except in this case it goes into 3D.


03-03-2012, 03:01 PM
Is the shape already sculpted into the wood?

If it is then you only need to do a profile cut that goes around to cut it out. It will be in air sometimes but as long as you start it off at the highest point it won't matter.

If the shape doesn't exist in the wood already then surely you're wanting to do a 3D toolpath operation (artcam, aspire like) rather than a profile cut?

Or maybe I'm totally confused! :confused:

03-03-2012, 03:06 PM

There is no direct way to do this in Partworks, but you can come close using the Texture tool setup as shown in the picture.

First draw your circle and then use node editing to cut the circle into arcs (as many as you want). Then set the Texture toolpath up as shown. You will have very limited control, mostly just the cut depth and start depth (if applicable).

The Fluting toolpath performs almost the same way and you could play with that also.

In Partworks 3D the shape would first need to be created in a 3D modeling program and opened in PW3D for creating the toolpaths. But you would find a cut like this not well suited for 3D toolpaths and the results would vary based on depth and size.

The only program that I use that would do it is Aspire.


03-04-2012, 11:59 AM
Thanks for the ideas. I will noodle around with the texture feature to see if I can get the result I want. I will also look into Aspire.
