View Full Version : Cut depth

03-19-2012, 05:58 PM
Am I cutting to deep? I have a bt48 prs with standard motors and router.
I was recently cutting some 2.25" thick basswood. I was cutting with a .5 inch downcut bit and each pass was approx .43 deep at about 1.6 ips. Cut fine no router bogging orstep missing. Just wondered if I am putting too much strain on the machine? Also cutting some trupan .60 thick with 1 pass using a .25 bit. Also planning on cutting some .75 pvc sheet with O flute bit .25, is cutting in one pass too much?
at 2 ips.

Thanks for opinion ahead of time, Allen

03-19-2012, 10:21 PM
They don't sound too aggressive. The temp of the bit after the cut is a good indicator of a lot of things. Warm is normal. Too hot / you might check some things.