View Full Version : New CAD/CAM application, seeking testers

03-19-2012, 06:17 PM
This is a new 2D CAD program with integrated toolpath generation. I have a bot and developed it with the bot in mind, but it also supports GCode.

It is an "alpha" level release, meaning it has known bugs and is incomplete, particularly the documentation and help files.

If you enjoy playing with bleading edge stuff, I'd appreciate feedback. Right now I'm looking for comments regarding any problems encountered as opposed to feature requests.

Go to http://www.5pct.com and then look for the downloads section. There are couple of screenshots too. Will run under Windows 7, should work under Vista and XP.



03-19-2012, 06:45 PM
Not a very encouraging message!

03-20-2012, 09:30 AM
They also specifically say dont provide any suggestions for improvement, just report bugs on what is already there.

I wish them well, but chose not to participate.


03-20-2012, 10:52 AM
i get error message "Techneinstall.msi appears maliscious...discard?" YES!

I was prepared to give it a shot....but:eek:

03-20-2012, 12:31 PM
If you get a message about malicious it is because the software has not been submitted to Microsoft for there approval. Each version of the software would need review and given that it is still undergoing development there will be many updated versions. Its about an 9 MB download and will uninstall cleanly if you don't like it.

The original posting is "not encouraging" because I want to set expectations low. This is the first broad release and if users install something expecting a polished product they will be disappointed. If they know it will be undergoing fixes then they will give it a chance. This is an alpha, there is still alot of work to do.

As for wanting only specific feedback, this is to save everyones time. For example, some help files are missing. If I asked for all feedback, every user might write to tell me that they get a "missing file warning" when they do X. The goal during this stage of the softwrae development is get the things already in the program rock solid before worrying about new features.


03-20-2012, 01:40 PM
I got a PM from the fellow so i don't think it is a maliscious file. I went and downloaded and installed with no issues. With only a 2-3 minute playing with it my first impression is that it is elementary, which he tells you upfront and i just clicked on tools to try to make something happen on the screen and you can figure it out pretty easily since we have experience with other programs.

I don't have time to load something up to explore this particular tool but something i saw caught my interest which was something like "exploded view" which is something you are supposed to be able to to in Sketchup but i never learned that program. If this has that capability that would be an interesting tool.
My test usually is if i can just start clicking buttons and figure it out without having to read a 3" thick manual, then i ought to be able to work with it and it passed that test.
I think it is probably worth checking out and if it doesn't do anything for you i'm sure he will give you a refund in full....oh wait you didn't pay anything for it...so what do you have to lose other then a few minutes of playing?:eek:

03-20-2012, 02:21 PM

I don't have time to load something up to explore this particular tool but something i saw caught my interest which was something like "exploded view" which is something you are supposed to be able to to in Sketchup but i never learned that program. If this has that capability that would be an interesting tool...

The exploded view is not what Sketchup does. The reference is likely to the capability of grouping series of lines/circles/etc together for easier manipulation. To undo a grouping is to "explode" the group.


PS Thanks for trying the download.

03-20-2012, 03:17 PM

Where do you plan to go with this? It's apparent that you're targeting the ShopBot market, but when you buy a ShopBot it comes with a really comprehensive program. If you're planning to eventually offer features not available in current offerings you better pique my interest now! It would also seem imperative that you would want to know what it is that would interest us to take our time to alpha test.

just my thoughts...


03-20-2012, 06:38 PM

Where do you plan to go with this? It's apparent that you're targeting the ShopBot market, but when you buy a ShopBot it comes with a really comprehensive program. If you're planning to eventually offer features not available in current offerings you better pique my interest now! It would also seem imperative that you would want to know what it is that would interest us to take our time to alpha test.

just my thoughts...



I have used PartWorks and its a decent program, but from a personal preference I dislike the user interface and its help integration is lacking. The user interface for Techne is based on the Microsoft RibbonBar (the toolbar you see in their office line of software). Either you will hate it or love it. I spent alot of effort creating a dynamic help system for Techne, which displays changing help information based on whatever the user is trying to do at a given time. These two things the fundamental difference between how Techne approaches things versus other CAD programs. It never hurts to have an alternative.

I realize it seems counterintuitive for me to ask for testing but not want suggestions. Its simply I know my own working style and I will get distracted considering new features at the expence of not making the core functionality of Techne rock solid. I have designed the architecture of the software so that adding features is not a big effort as long as the basic capabilities have a stable design. The biggest area where I need help testing is with toolpaths, which is why I am seeking feedback in that area or where there are serious bugs.

Software design goes through 3 phases, Alpha, Beta and Final release. Alpha is unfinished and kinda raw. The ShopBot users who are willing to experiment with alpha are just the kindof people who like to poke around with new things. Either experimenting with an alpha level program appeals to you or it doesn't; I'm grateful for anyone who is willing to try but I don't want to twist arms or mislead about how the process will work.

So let me suggest this. Download the software and play with it for 5 minutes. Now uninstall it. If your interest was piqued, keep an eye out for when Techne reaches Beta level. I will be begging for feature requests by then. If Techne leaves you unimpressed, thanks for at least considering it and you'll know that whatever you are currently using best suits your needs.


03-23-2012, 10:11 AM
Can't say that I'm a big fan of the UI. Too much mousing around (no keyboard shortcuts at the moment) and at times a different ribbon comes up which was a bit confusing. Having to hit 'Done/Cancel' and 'Close' for shapes/outlines was a bit non intuitive.

Making a tool path is a bit of a conundrum. Didn't see where to set in/out/on/pocket, etc. Setting feed/speeds for the selected tool didn't quite jump out at me either.

Got this error after attemping to save a toolpath and the resulting toolpath had some possible errors in the code.

03-23-2012, 01:18 PM
Can't say that I'm a big fan of the UI. Too much mousing around (no keyboard shortcuts at the moment) and at times a different ribbon comes up which was a bit confusing. Having to hit 'Done/Cancel' and 'Close' for shapes/outlines was a bit non intuitive.

Making a tool path is a bit of a conundrum. Didn't see where to set in/out/on/pocket, etc. Setting feed/speeds for the selected tool didn't quite jump out at me either.

Got this error after attemping to save a toolpath and the resulting toolpath had some possible errors in the code.

The goal of having different ribbon tabs (changing tabs) is to limit the tools or options you are presented with while you are doing a particular operation. For example, if you are inserting a rectangle shape, you won't see tabs relating to splitting a line in two. Because of the changing tabs, the Done/Cancel buttons become necessary.

Toolpath. I've included a screenshot. In this case laying out a rectangle. There is a "Toolpath" Tab where you would specify location of on, inside, outside. To specify pocketing you would choose Filled.

Speed and feeds. Another screenshot showing part of the tool library. The goal here is make things a set and forget operation. You have the option, but not requirement, so that each tool can have a separate spped/feed for a given material. The way Techne works is you choose the material you are working with. When you generate toolpaths the program then uses the speed/feed appropriate for that material.

This operates alot differently than PartWorks. In PartWorks select a shape and then generate a toolpath independently. Techne tightly binds the toolpath options to the shape, when you get to the actual toolpath creation you are no longer setting options.

If you still have the file that caused the error, would you please email it to me. There is a Bug reporting command on the main File menu that will show an email address.

Thanks for the feedback.


03-23-2012, 03:37 PM
Announcing new software that is relative to CNC machining and asking for beta testers are perfectly acceptable on this forum. But continued discussion, reports and explanations should go to the developer's website or email. Thread closed.