View Full Version : control software question
03-20-2012, 09:59 PM
I just set up a new control computer. i have loaded the software twice and still the same problem. with the software loaded i can run the table surfacing tool just fine. once i load the updates and install them i can no longer run the table surfacing tool. i am running black vipers bare bones settings. i am sure i am doing something wrong but what is it?
i can live without this tool but if its affected what else is also?
thanks in advance.
03-21-2012, 06:52 AM
did you reinstall the firmware.
Brady Watson
03-21-2012, 08:57 AM
What updates are you talking about? Microsoft? ShopBot? By tabletop routine, are you saying that the Tabletop Surfacer tool in SB3 won't work? Or...the SBP output from that utility doesn't work?
03-21-2012, 09:11 AM
all windows xp updates have been done with service pak 3 running on the computer.
after that i ran a registry cleaner and fixed any errors.
after that i defraged it
the sb3 software was loaded from the supplied cd prior to going to the bare bones settings along with the sb3 software updates from the shopbot website. (while i am on this part. does the updates include the entire software/program or just the updates)
i was going to do some test cuts which included the table top surfacing tool under the tools command. when i clicked on it nothing happened. same results after rebooting and several more attempts.
ultimately i deleted all software and updates and drivers. i then reloaded the software from the cd, copied the updates to the comptuer with a flash disk, ran the updates. sb3 seems to be working fine but the table surfacing tool will not load.
i am going to repeat the process today and see if there are any different results.
hope that made sense, i am working on my first cup
Brady Watson
03-21-2012, 09:35 AM
Download the latest version of SB3 from ShopBot. Run the installation. Then open up SB3 in Preview mode and immediately run the UI command. Then use the UR command, to set the software to your specific tool, if it has not prompted you already to select your machine.
I don't see any reason why the surfacer would not work. It is an external program that is called up from SB3. Maybe re-installing will fix it.
03-21-2012, 09:43 AM
i will certainly try your suggestions today after the nectar of the gods time (coffee). it did not make sense to me either but sometimes i can be guilty of hurrying through something just because i THNK i know what i am doing.
03-21-2012, 09:16 PM
i loaded and reloaded and did what you suggested. i still can load the tool after i install the updates.
Brady Watson
03-21-2012, 09:39 PM
Rick - Be specific. Are you saying that you type in the TU command & nothing happens or ???
By the way, it is not a solution to the automated TU command working, but all it does is combine a few commands. Personally I never use TU. I just use the CR command, which is what the TU tool also uses behind the scenes, before spitting out an SBP.
So, on a newer tool you would turn on output 1 (SO,1,1), then move the tool where you want it to start (0,0), then open up the CR command. Choose your X&Y dimensions, choose ON, set your depth (let's say .04), number of passes 1, Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise, Pocketing from the Outside In. Then click on the VC command at the bottom and set your cutter diameter and overlap. I like 15%. Then run it. It does the same thing as the TU...but this is the old school way of doing it. I wanted you to have an option while you get to the bottom of the TU issue.
Here's a list of commands that the TU produces, plus my comments:
MZ,1 'Move Z up 1 inch
M3,0,0,1 'Move to 0,0,1
SO,1,1 'Set Output Switch ON (Spindle ON)
Pause 2 'Pause to let spindle get up to speed
VC,1.5,,,,, 15 'Values Cutter 1.5" dia, 15% stepover
CR,97, 49, T, -1, 4,-0.04,1,2,1 'Cut Rectangle 97x49, True Path, CCW, .04" deep, Pocket from the outside in
SO,1,0 ' Set Output 1 OFF/Turn Spindle OFF
03-21-2012, 10:14 PM
i have used the tu command to plane boards. in the past i have built my planks and needed to square them up. i now pay someone to do it so its not as important.
i have a new design computer and have loaded the software and updates on it with no issue.
on the control computer i have loaded the software with the cd supplied by shopbot. at that point i check to see if i can open the tu command and yes i can. i then copy the updates to the computer via a flash drive. i then ran or installed the updates. at that point i can not open the tu window. when i type in the letters tu or if i click on the icon, nothing happens. surely this has nothing to do with bare bone settings.
now you have opened a new idea for me with the cr command. i did open it up and still dont know how to use it but i will play with it. yesterday i used a pocket tool path and acheived the planing task. i guess my biggest concern is if something is out of wack with the software what else wont work properly beside the tu command.
03-21-2012, 11:43 PM
When TU doesn't work, you could check to see if the file exists by looking for it at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopBot\Virtual Tools\Surfacer\Table_Surfacer.exe and also check to see if it is referenced in the 'VirtualTools.ini' file properly. The .ini file should have this line in it...VT = Table S[&u]rfacer, Virtual Tools\Surfacer\Table_Surfacer.exe, 0, 0
If everything is there, try double clicking on the Table_Surfacer.exe file and see if it opens that way.
03-22-2012, 09:24 AM
Just working on my first cup and will try that on the control computer. Just for practice i located it on the design computer so now i know what to look for.
after playing with the cr command i might like that way better once i know it
03-22-2012, 03:32 PM
this may turn out to be a registry problem. i am in the process of checking and repairing.
03-22-2012, 08:31 PM
still cant get it to work. both files were located in the virtual tools. the old one would load, the new and bigger would not. and when it would not i would get a application failed to load error message 0xc0000135. in searching the INTERNET i did not find a trust worthy download that claimed that it would fix this.
on a positive note i cut two kitchen cutting boards today. about 5 different tools paths without a hitch.
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