View Full Version : Baseline cutting specifications?

04-08-2012, 05:37 PM
Does anyone have a baseline cutting specifications(R.P.M., plunge, feed, etc..) for an Onsrud 90-06. If you have them I'd be interested in them for soft wood, hard wood, and solid surface.. Also, has anyone cut a repeating "WWW" pattern for picture hanging? It would require a plunge, complex jog, and a reverse plunge or a plunge, complex jog, complex jog back out, jog over to end position and plunge to the same depth.

04-08-2012, 09:16 PM
For hanging some items, you might want to use a keyhole bit and cut a 2 inch horizontal slot so you can simply slide the picture in the slot till it is level.

Keyhole bits have to be run slowly about .1 inches per second as they remove a lot of material.

04-09-2012, 08:41 AM
This T-slot bit(Onsrud 90-06) is almost the same as most keyhole slot bits.
CED: 3/8"
CEL: 3/8"
Neck: 4/16"
SHK DIA: 1/4"
OAL: 1-5/8"
Flutes: 2

Whiteside Keyhole Profile Bit (3050)
Large Diameter: 3/8"
Small Diameter: 3/16"
Cutting Length: 7/16"
OAL: 1-1/2"
SHK DIA: 1/4"