View Full Version : Sharpening shop/ where to p grind profile bit to ball nose

04-09-2012, 04:57 PM
Hey all,
I recently was looking to find a 1/4" ball nose bit with a LOC of 2" or more.
I couldn't find anything but got a great advice from Gary, to get a 52-564 bit and grind it to ball nose.
So I called 10 shops here in Brooklyn, and couldn't find anyone to do it.
I was wondering if someone can recommend a shop that I can send them the bit and will do the job for me.
Would love to hear any other suggestion too!

04-09-2012, 05:23 PM
Did you call Fred at Centurian and just ask if they would make the bit for you?

04-09-2012, 05:45 PM
why not just do a rouging pass with a big bit so you don't have to worry about a 2" cut? If you use a large bit and just go 1/2" deep you would have it solved for less money.

04-10-2012, 12:33 PM
Thanks Dave, I called them - and they said that can't take any customize orders any time soon. I did got a quote from Harvey tools for $280 per bit and minimum of 3 bits ($840!)

Steve - the problem is that even with roughing I need to do 2 passes on the finish since I have parts with "walls" (90 degrees), and it extremely slowing me down. I milling a lot of 3d foam, so if I get that bit it will help me a lot!!

04-10-2012, 01:04 PM
90's can be a pain. have you tried using vectors that would let you get a bit in there in 2d? you only need to remove about 1/2"

04-10-2012, 03:19 PM
contact me, I can have a ballnose put on that tool, added cost is $21, usually done that night and shipped next day if I get the order placed by noon

04-10-2012, 03:22 PM
Can you use a long LOC 1/8 endmill and make the first pass 1/16 (plus a few thousands) too high and then use a more conventional 1/8 ball?

You might be able to put a polygon around the 90 degree areas and "double cut" only in those areas saving a lot of time.

Hmmmm ... if you really want a 90 degree cut at specific edges, do a profile cut with the endmill after making the clearance cut. Result is a dead on 90 degree edge.

Paul Z

PS I thought Niagra makes long LOC diamond coated bits. Very expensive but you are unlikely to wear one out cutting foam. Just don't drop it!!!

04-11-2012, 01:15 PM
Thanks Gary!
I sent you an email to info @ beckwithdecor, hope you get it.
Thanks Paul, those are some good ideas, and I will also look into Niagra website.