View Full Version : +y moves half time, but -y moves normal

06-13-2007, 08:57 PM
I have a 4 x 4 PRS. When I'm at 0,0 and I type "MY,48" the spindle moves to the center of the Y axis. If I type JH the spindle hits 0,24 around where 0,0 should be and hits the stop.

06-13-2007, 11:38 PM
Take a look at this (http://www.shopbottools.com/bill%27s_corner.htm#Table%20Base%20Coordinates) (read it twice if required; good and very useful stuff)... does it help?

06-13-2007, 11:47 PM
Is there something in particular there that I should look at. Most of that looks like code to help with automation.

My problem is that when the machine move in the +y direction, it thinks it is moving 2 inches for every one inch it actually moves. But when it moves in the -y direction it's fine. So when I move to the 0,48 postion from the 0,0 position, the machine only actually moves to about 0,24 but SB3 thinks it is at 0,48.

And then when I try to move from the "0,48" position, which is really 0,24 to the 0,0 position, the maching tries to move an actual 48 inches which of course causes it to run into the mechanical stops.

06-14-2007, 06:10 AM

Give Shopbot a quick call. The J(og) commands and the M(ove) commands automatically switch pulses-per-shaft rotation on the Alpha stepper drivers - at least on my PRT-Alpha. In any case, someone at Shopbot can help you know if your switch settings are correct.

06-14-2007, 04:17 PM
The problem was that the software that come with the PRS doesn't work with the PRS. Works now that I've downloaded and installed 3.5.3 Just wish they had told me to do that before I spent 3 days pulling my hair out.