View Full Version : Error message when trying to initiate router cutting

gary freeman
05-12-2012, 10:01 PM
I am working with Shopbot PRT delta

I was having problems opening old files so I upgraded my ArtCam 2009 software. Then I was able to open and work with the old files, that problem, I overcame.
So I retrieved the drawing, wrote a new toolpath, saved it to Shopbot and tried to cut it.
I hit the start (router) icon in the Shopbot program to initiate the program and I got these errors:
1) Failed to start virtual tool-Check installation.
I hit enter, on the keypad of the computer to move past the icon and it goes to...
2) Invalid proceedure, call or argument (5) line 8 F:Wall (Wall is the name of the file name I'm trying to cut).

At this point I upgraded the Shopbot software.

I am having the same problems, I get the same error messages everytime no matter what the program lines are (line 8 is different on different cut programs).

If anyone has help for this one please e-mail me, gary@flixfx.com

Thank you

John David
05-13-2012, 11:20 AM
Gary is using a Shopbot PRT Alpha (2004)

Good to see you finally got on this forum Gary. These guys are the best and if it can be fixed it will happen here.


05-13-2012, 11:35 AM

Can you attach the .sbp file here so we can take a look at what's going on in the file and specifically what is on line 8? If you want, my email address is in my profile.

The virtual tool error make me think that you may have a spindle and the spindle control window isn't opening. Maybe a little more info about your machine configuration would be helpful too.

John David
05-13-2012, 11:53 AM
Line 8 had something to do with the virtual tool, I have never seen this before so I couldnt help gary fix this.

John David
05-13-2012, 11:35 PM
Here are the files Gary is looking at.

05-14-2012, 12:42 AM
If you open the files in SbEdit or do an FE in the control software to open them in SbEdit and change the line that has TV,15000 to TR,15000 and save it. They should run fine then.

What ever post processor you are using is posting the wrong value for setting the spindle speed. It should be TR, not TV. There are some other strange things in there too, but they don't effect how the file is run, just some unneeded comments and redundant MS speed settings throughout the file. I'd let the software maker know so that they can fix it or you may be able to modify the post processor yourself so it doesn't do that.

If you don't have a spindle, then there may be another ShopBot post processor that doesn't have spindle control in it that you can use. If you do have a spindle and the spindle speed control for it, you can make the spindle RPM window open when you start the control software (SB3) by clicking on the 'RPM' and setting that in the fill-in sheet.

05-14-2012, 11:33 AM
Hi Gary,

The post with the TV command is an outdated post and should be deleted from your postp folder. You can download the current post processors for ArtCam here http://www.shopbottools.com/files/Drivers/ArtCAM/ArtCAMposts.zip