View Full Version : lost comms

05-19-2012, 08:26 AM
I upgrade my softare yesterday and now i dont have comunication with the machine any thoughts on that one?

05-19-2012, 08:57 AM
Was the software the only thing that you upgraded?
Which version did you upgrade to?
What operating system are you on?
Have you installed the SB3 drivers?
Have you installed the firmware? ( UI)

You may try this:
unplug SB USB and hub, wait 10 seconds, plug into a DIFFERENT port

05-19-2012, 09:43 AM
Im in real trouble here Would you mind a call ? Im in charlotte

05-19-2012, 11:32 AM
so I now am getting the message contolbox seems to be hooked up but were not talking I have checked all the conections and they seem too be fine.
I uninstalled the hole thing reinstalled the newer ver. of sb software and that did not work either Im lost........

05-19-2012, 08:49 PM
I have the same problem and I found a work around. When you start the ShopBot software and it says it can't find the control box, I have it retry and have it search for the right port always comes up with port 4 and then click ok and it then connects and works fine until I shut the software down and restart the software and then I go through my routine again.

05-20-2012, 01:56 PM
Thanks I tried it but still saying it sees it but shop bot is not responding I went through the cables and replaced them with the same result I suspect it lies in the controlboard firm ware but i cant get it to hand shake long enough to choke the program down. I have thrown my hands up at it untill shopbot opens up in the morning and hope they have some solution too my issue.

05-20-2012, 04:01 PM
Remember that you load the firmware with the software in preview and the shopbot off then hit load firmware and then turn the shopbot on. The beta walks you through it.

05-25-2012, 11:30 PM
Hi Mark,

Did you ever find out the problem with the computer not connecting to the control box?

05-26-2012, 12:02 PM
I went to do some simple cutting yesterday and my machine decided to get in the 'lost comm' mode. No changes since the last time I used it. :mad:

So I reversed the USB plugs from the control box and the spindle speed control board. That was all I did and it started working perfectly. :confused:

Maybe after a few days on one port it decides to throw a little tantrum and just wants another port to feed on. :eek:

05-26-2012, 12:43 PM
I would be willing to wager a substantial amount that this happened on a Win7-64 computer.

05-27-2012, 05:55 PM
Ok Gary why the problems with windows 7 64? I just did a upgrade on a Vista machine to windows 7 32 bit. Still did not fix my problem of when the control software first loads after being shut down it can't find the control box. I do a search for the control box and it finds the control box on the same port it was assigned to before and works fine until I shut the software down and start it back up and it then tells me it can't find the control box so, on and on. Any ideas?

05-27-2012, 08:30 PM

Did you by chance plug in the SB USB cables before you installed the software & drivers?

Heres how to get a better comm:
Make sure that the user account control is at its lowest setting. Or better yet disable the security services. Remove all SB USB cords.

Then navigate to the drivers folder, Right click on the driver install EXE and select "Run as administrator". Or reinstall SB3 by R-click "run as admin"

When driver (or software) install is complete, plug in control box plug direct to the computer USB port, wait until Win7 says drivers are properly installed. Then plug in hub, wait for install message, then plug control cable into hub.

If you have a speed control, plug it in now.

Install firmware with SB3 in preview mode.

USe Speed test to check comm rate with SB3 in preview mode.

05-28-2012, 09:46 PM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the information here. I have been fighting a problem that the software would not find the control box on startup each time. I went as far as reloading the computer back to factory setting with a reformate for the hard drive. I loaded the control software and reloaded my custom settings and the problem would not go away, I tried my computer that is working fine on my desktop and had the same problem, I tried my laptop and had the same problem. The software would not find the control box. So after reading this post I cleared the settings in the control software and did a factory setting load and everything started to work fine the software would find the control box just fine on each start up.

The other problem I found was I had the usb hub plugged into the back of my UPS for the computer and once I moved that to be plugged into the wall things started to work better. Thanks for the idea to try loading factory settings. Who would have figured.