View Full Version : Shopbot camp/jamboree east coast?

05-20-2012, 05:10 AM
Is there going to be a shopbot camp/jamboree at shopbot this year? Is there a schedule for east coast camps? Ed Lang used to host our local one, any plans for something in central virgina?:confused:

05-20-2012, 09:48 AM
If you'll look at the 'coming events' page on the Shopbot web site you'll see that we have the Tidewater,VA Camp scheduled for Sept. 8th at Angus Hines shop.
There will also be two other East coast Camps this Fall ;one near Portland, ME on Sept. 15th, and one in Clifton, NJ in early October (date TBA).
For those elsewhere, we're trying to finalize the dates for our first Camp in Ann Arbor, MI, and we will also be holding our Northwest camp at David Chase's shop again in early October (again date TBA).

09-05-2012, 06:51 PM
Hey All... Long time no see.. Well were back and once the Clifton NJ camp is set, count me in! Bill, looks like you have been busy, hope all is well.