View Full Version : Belt, we don't need no stinkin' belt!

10-16-2007, 12:18 AM
So, the vacuum pump shut off suddenly today. Didn't suprise us too much, considering we had a perfectly good 3 phase breaker go bad the other day. What did suprise me is that the new breaker was still good. So were the fuses in the disconnect. Well, check the motor starter, good. Hmmm, start pulling things apart, can't seem to find anything wrong.

Then my dad asks if the belt broke, I think to myself that he might as well asked if it was plugged in, of course the belt didn't break, there is two of them, what are the chances of both going? So I humor him and look behind the shroud, HEY they belts aren't tight.

After a few minutes with a wrench, we discover the pulley on the pump shaft had loosened up and jumped off the input shaft, rendering the belts useless.

SO, for those with vacuum pumps, take a minute, pull the shroud and check the grub screws on the pulleys. A little red lock-tite and a bent 4mm allen wrench and we are back in business.

Happy cutting,
