View Full Version : An Award Plaque.

07-08-2012, 04:15 PM
This is for a party in August. I need to crank out a couple of them. (They're round, I haven't even knocked the spoil off yet.)
There's a "shadow" around my lettering, it seems my zzero was off about a 64th (or less) and the 2nd finish pass with a 1/16 ballnose didn't clean up as well as it should have in places.
This little stuff makes tiny problems look big. It's teaching me how to work with the machine to get her to do what I want, within her abilities. Once I get to where I feel like the machine and I understand each other, I'll put a new table on her and fine tweak until I'm blue in the face.
Ultimately I'll be doing a lot of small and intricate stuff, and I'm starting to get an idea of "where the line is". I can use smoothing to get the most out of the bits and I can ramp up my speed and drop a couple toolpaths, changing the way I do things. I started very slow and careful, but the Shopbot can work a lot harder and faster than I ever imagined.
She's an amazing machine, I couldn't possibly be more pleased. :)


07-08-2012, 04:40 PM
That is seriously good looking, elegant plaque. Very nice work.
