View Full Version : Skipping Strangeness...

07-24-2012, 03:01 PM
Pics below.
I've done a Utilities/Reset Default and erased/loaded the setup .ini file, but haven't tried again. At this point I have a headache. :)
I thought this was a problem with how I built the files and noticed it tended to go nuts in the same place each time (near the grapes), so I went and totally rebuilt from scratch, doing things differently, and adding a vector around the 3D model of grapes that wasn't there initially.

I've run this part 3 times now, it wrecks each time, and I'm out of ideas.
Hopefully you guys will have seen this before and can tip me off.
Anything else I can add to help, please let me know.

The 3D Finish Pass is done in Aspire, I'm running it on a PRS-BT48, 1/8 bit running at 250 ips only taking a tiny cut, 1/8" max. I can't think of anything else pertinent.
Oh, the skip is 1/8" on the X axis, and when I completely stop, adjust the X, and restart the part, it tends to go about 1/16" deeper.

Could the speed be causing the skip, even though I'm cutting nothing or mostly nothing? (It's just cleaning the letters up.)

This is on the bottom left of the part...

This is just to the right of that...

Just for reference...

07-24-2012, 03:17 PM
Scott can you post your file so we could look at it and see if there is a problem there.

07-24-2012, 03:32 PM
Jerry, here's a link to the cut file at Box. (https://www.box.com/s/b67810995bdf74dc46f7)
I wasn't sure if you wanted the spb or the crv3d, so I took a stab at it.

07-24-2012, 09:36 PM
I ran the file in pink foam and had 3 spots that the router shifted. Not as bad as what you have but you can see them. They moved in the -x about .032 each. I did bump the speed up to 7 IPS though. Tomorrow I may try it at the speed you have programed.

07-24-2012, 11:38 PM
Thanks, Jerry. I can't imagine what's wrong in there, but it's easy enough to redo the file from the beginning. I'll start from scratch tomorrow morning and run it in foam to see if I can straighten it out.

07-25-2012, 06:36 PM
I reran the file just as you sent it and still get the same shift at the same places. Only 2 this time but the first one last time was my fault.

07-25-2012, 07:04 PM
Scott, Jerry....
I have seen this happen when using a corrupt USB flash drive. Or when saving a file that is stored on the drive with an incomplete save. Look thru the code and see if there are any "odd characters" in the areas where the skips of erroneous movements occur.

07-25-2012, 09:03 PM
Thanks again, Jerry. This tells me it's my file and not my machine. That's a huge help.
Oddly, my shifts are in different places than yours. Weird, huh?
Gary, I never sent this file to flash drive. I modeled it on the same machine I ran it on, but there could have been something that caused an incomplete save to my hdd.
It saved the error in the Aspire file, because I fixed, adjusted, refixed and readjusted the file a ton of times, creating new cut files each time. The only thing I haven't done is start from scratch and that's what I'm gonna do next.
It's no biggie to redo it, I just needed to pin down where the problem was. I've been under the weather and not near the shop today, hopefully I can do this tomorrow.
Thanks again for everyone's help!!! :)

07-26-2012, 06:18 PM
Guys, I think I just figured out where the problem came from.
When I added the 3D grapes model, I imported them from my thumb drive rather than from the hdd on my laptop here. Nice call, Gary!!! :)
I'm redoing the file from scratch and when I went to add the grapes from the folder on my desktop and didn't find them, there was my answer, they were on my usb stick. I'm moving all that stuff off my thumb drive to my laptop right now and I'll approach it from that angle and see what happens.
I'll cut it in foam this time and upload the file if it works out.

I want to share this project with everyone when it's done, it's a nice little wine rack. It's the first project I've "engineered" and taken to Aspire. I still have to add the countersinks and screw predrills to make it complete, I'll do that when I get all finished with the problems. :)
It's been serious fun, I'm moving right along. :D

07-27-2012, 03:24 PM
Welp, that didn't do it.
I rebuilt the project from scratch and still get a skip. Only one small one so far but the part is still running.
When I built the part file, I used 3d roughing and 3d finish toolpaths. The only thing I can think to do now is to go back and create toolpaths differently. I'm not sure how I'll do that, but I'm going to give it a go and see what happens.
This project isn't so bad that I can't fix it where it sits, so maybe another angle of attack may do the trick?
I went ahead and changed the finishing toolpath from a raster to offset conventional. Maybe that'll get it?

07-27-2012, 03:42 PM
Where is the skip showing up. Scott PM me with your phone number and maybe we can work this out.