View Full Version : Spindle not starting

Tim Summerer
07-26-2012, 11:21 PM
Hey everyone, finally decided to upgrade to a spindle and it arrived today. Trying to get it up and running. Things are going fairly well, but there is a strange problem and I can't get the Spindle to turn on properly.

First the facts:
-144x60 PRT Standard -previously used PC routers.
-upgraded to RBK Control box 1.5 years ago
-PC running Windows 7. Good RAM, no extra programs etc
-Latest version of SB3
-In hardware manager, the control box is port3, the spindle control port4.
-4hp HSD spindle
-Yaskawa V1000 VFD (VFD+spindle purchased through ShopBot. Both 3-phase)

Shopbot didn't send me an installation guide, so I've pieced together my install based on a few guides I found on their website. My stock RBK box doesn't have the necessary hardware to support 230V 3-phase. So I have the VFD power (big black wire) wired into a separate fused disconnect. I have the VFD brown wire (containing a white and black wire) going into the control box with the black wire going into "Spindle 1 F1" and the white in "Spindle 1 C1". The Spindle fan is getting it's power right after the 24v glass fuse within the box. It's ground is the "Spindle2 G".

In SB3, the C6 or C7 commands do not seem to do anything. The output 4 light blinks very briefly while running either command.

If I change the spindle RPM in SB3, the VFD box reflects the change - so it seems that they are communicating ok. In the spindle settings, I have the VFD set to Yaskawa 1000.

Strangely, if I turn on outputs 1 through 4 (using alt+[num]) then the spindle turns on! With alt+[num], the output light stays lit (I assume this is normal, but have never needed to try it before today). The spindle doesn't turn on with just output 1, nor with just 4. It has to be all 1,2,3 then 4. (maybe other combinations work 4321, 2314, etc, but I can't remember 100% what I tried). It remains running until number 1 is turned off (ex I can turn 2 and 3 off and it stays running). Obviously this is too cumbersome to be safe. Any ideas?

-looks to me like I might have missed something in the install. Any jumpers I missed? Settings that need changed? Sacrifices or offerings that need made?

I'm gonna call tech support when I get in tomorrow, but wanted to see if anyone had any brilliant ideas first. Thanks a bunch. I'm super excited to try this baby out. We haven't cut anything yet, because I wanted to be sure it was working correctly, but I am really anxious to see the difference between this and our old PorterCable.

Tim Summerer
07-27-2012, 06:55 PM
Alright, got it figured out.
I guess outputs 1 and 4 have to be on to run the spindle. When I run a sbp file it turns 4 on, and I guess I need my CAM software to turn number 1 on. Apparently Partworks has this built into the post-processor. I'm using MasterCam X3 as my CAD/CAM and will have to do some research into the PP.

For now, my guys have to turn on output 1 (alt+1), then load the file (FP) - a small annoyance, but not the end of the world.

Does anyone have any experience with the MasterCam post-processor? I haven't searched the forum yet, but any advice would certainly be welcome. Thanks all.

07-28-2012, 08:33 AM
With mine i have a pair of wires that has to be connected to turn on the spindle. Sorry that I can't tell you where they are connected since it was done by ShopBot.

This pair of wires goes to a relay that is mounted inside of my control box. A very simple circuit ties the relay to an output line on the control board. (the circuit is on the shopbot site)

The beauty of this is that it responds to the controls that are built right in to the post processor. I never have to think about the spindle at all, the cut files include just what is needed to turn it on an off. As a nifty bonus I used the second set of contacts on the relay to turn my dust collector on and off.