View Full Version : Why Shopbot?

04-19-2006, 04:10 PM
Since I've never seen one work yet (going to camp in May) I would like some input. Someone asked me why I didn't look at a K2cnc. I am planning on an AlphaPRT96. What I'm reading about the machines is making my head hurt. I'm not a machinist. I just want to carve wood. So what do you guys think of your bots in comparison - good and bad. I have to say I don't see much in the way of negative about bots.

04-19-2006, 04:42 PM
Remember you are on the Shopbot forum. Although I would highly recomend them to anyone you need to realize that if this was the K2CNC forum you would not hear anything bad about them either.

04-19-2006, 05:40 PM

you might want to make some search on the CNC zone (forum) to get a more objective view of all this (plan alot of time ahead for this kind of shoping)... that being said, I'll bet you'll be back here soon!