View Full Version : SBEdit.exe error 13

Marc F. Lupien
08-09-2012, 04:36 PM

Got my desktop 2418 yesterday, wow. Things seems to work fine except that I get an error message when trying to start SBEdit.exe. The message is «erreur d'exécution '13': Type incompatible». In english it would go like «runtime error '13': Type incompatibility».

I am running the latest software and Windows 7.

Any idea ? Anyone else has this problem ?


08-09-2012, 07:35 PM
Check in Control Panel , Regional Configuration

Marc F. Lupien
08-10-2012, 03:16 PM
Hi Freddy,

What are you suggesting exactly ?

I know about windows regional settings but I fail to see how changing them would stop the error from occurring.


08-10-2012, 03:41 PM
Hi Marc,

A type mismatch error generally happens when values in the code are specified in an incomaptible way - as in trying to subtract a string value from an int value.

Since SBEdit seems to work fine for most everyone else, I'd first try an uninstall/reinstall, as it looks like your file may be corrupt.

Other thoughts: Malware, registry errors or Service Packs not up to date...

08-10-2012, 03:53 PM
Marc, there have been some problems with other parts of the software that were fixed by changing to English regional settings which is probably what Freddy is thinking of.

I don't think that's the case here though as I had the same thought when you first posted the problem and tried SBEdit with French and French-Canadian settings on my test PC and it worked fine.

I expect Ron is on the right lines.

Marc F. Lupien
08-13-2012, 10:37 PM
Thanks to all the advices you guys gave me I finally found what to do to make it work.

I reinstalled the software 3 times with no results.

Afterward I changed the regional settings and it works ok if I use «English (Canada)» or «English (USA)» but it fails when I use «Français (Canada)».

At least it works now but I wish the developper would solve this in a future release.

btw I use Windows 7.

Thanks everyone for your help.

08-14-2012, 04:13 AM
That's interesting. As I said I tried it with those regional settings and it seemed to work fine.

Is it coming up with the error straight away or are you doing some operation that causes it to come up with the error?

Marc F. Lupien
08-19-2012, 09:38 PM
Hi, the error message comes up before the main windows open (it nevers open in fact) after I launch the program.

Do you know in what programming language SBEdit is written. If it's written in C#, maybe I could look at it if I can get a copy of the the source code. I have been writting software for 30 years... ;-(


08-20-2012, 05:57 AM
Apart from the previewer (which is written by another company) all the ShopBot programs are written in Visual Basic as far as I know.

Not all parts of the forum are looked at all the time by support people so it's best to email support@shopbottools.com directly when you've got an error like this.

08-20-2012, 10:02 AM
The problem is that some European countries use the comma and decimal point opposite from the US and UK. You can probably leave the language the same and simply changed the decimal system. You can give that a try and see if works if don't want to set the language in English.