View Full Version : Creative use of very close spaces

08-13-2012, 11:00 PM
In these photos I have used the corner bi-fold hinges at the lower area only and drawers at the top. This kitchen had two corner wall and base units.
One of which is next to the DW. You know how close that filler can be.
Also I go to great pains on the corner base so that the unit does not have the vertical seam in the face frame.
What I mean is I build the corner base in a modular fashion in that the inline cabinets include the face frame and then assembled on site. Maybe you can see see that.
Well the Mrs loves that she can access the corner base so much better than before. By the way this was a remodel.
OH and the ShopBot makes this all much easier!

BTW that is a dummy front, the really small one next to the DW!

08-14-2012, 12:46 AM
Good design...

08-14-2012, 09:23 AM
thanks, take note if you want to do this that small side is a bit jerky when you open it the other one opens smoothly.
The fact that it was so close to both the stove and DW I did not want to crowd the stove side.
But as you well know both of these corners where very hard to use otherwise!