View Full Version : Single Phase power source

09-04-2008, 11:08 AM
Hi Everyone - I recently moved my PRT 96 to a new shop and am ready to "plug it in" so to speak. Being a complete rookie to electrical - can I simply plug in this single phase machine? I had an electrician directly wire the router to the fuse box last time so I'm not sure what the requirements are... I'm trying to save $600 for some guy to come out and connect a couple wires if that's all it entails.

09-04-2008, 07:34 PM
Stephen, do you have a spindle or a router, if only a 110 router, then you can just plug in the controller & the router to 110v sockets. Phase is not an issue for you if so.. If you have 2 power cords with no ends on them per your last install. You'll just need to put plugs on the ends & off you go. If you need to ask questions you could call & I'll elaborate further.