View Full Version : Installing & squaring the Z axis..

12-20-2006, 11:24 AM
Per the instructions, I loosened the 10 5/16" bolts that hold the blue frame to the aluminum extrusion sides. I then installed the Z axis and tightend down the 1/2" bolts and then tightened the 10 5/16" bolts.

According to the assembly instructions, you're supposed to do this in order to prevent distorting the extruded side plates.

The problem I'm having is that when you tighten the Z axis bolts and then re-tighten the 5/16" bolts, you've effectively(sp) eliminated the room needed to adjust the Z axis to make the direction that is perpendicular to the X rail parallel with the table surface. The only way I can see to rectify this without diverging from the instructions would be adjust the alignment of the Y car by fiddling the eccentric nuts on the rollers until that part of the Z axis is correctly aligned.

There was an orange tag on the Y car that reiterates the importance of losening these 10 bolts, so I really don't want to second guess these guys and risk deforming the extrusion.

On another note I've got the Z axis installed in such a way that that oval side cutout is even with the Y car sides in order to make fitting the backing nuts for the mounting. However, the picture in the book shows the Z axis with one open hole above the top surface of the Y car. Is the picture inaccurate (the Z pictured has more holes than mine?) or have I mounted my Z axis too low?

Thanks all!


12-21-2006, 05:22 PM
Ummm. Help?

12-21-2006, 11:17 PM

I think you're one of the first to have the extruded aluminum sides, so you lost us all with that question.

About that z height.... I would place it as high as you can. When you start adding spoilboards, you lose Z-travel fast.

Wish I could help more. Good luck.

12-22-2006, 10:04 AM
Thanks Scott. Too bad my original post was deleted. I'm not amused. Can't do diddly about it though, so there you are. Have a nice holiday!

12-27-2006, 04:24 PM
There are 4 holes when mounting the Z I am in the process of installing it now and the instructions do not tell you which ones to use.

12-28-2006, 12:41 AM
Leonard, if you look at the side of the Z axis, you'll see holes running down the side for mounting the axis. If you mount the Z between the rails with one of those holes visible above the Y car itself, you should be ok.

I don't have a picture handy to show you what I mean, but if you look in the book where it talks about the Z installation, there's a picture that shows the Z axis with one hole showing above the Y car.

I hope this helps!


12-28-2006, 05:14 AM
Thanks Gene I think if you had a project the needed more hight you could move it up higher?

01-12-2007, 10:00 AM
I think the bottom 2 holes on the Z frame are meant to be used. They are the most difficult to attach the nuts to, but give you the most Z travel. I just finished remounting mine. The pictures and instructions are marginal during assembly.