View Full Version : B Value for PLN-70 gear box

09-11-2012, 09:26 PM
It took much, much, much trial and error to get the B Value for my indexer. I am dead nuts on at 9000 degrees.

Machine: PRS Alpha
Indexer: 12" Model
Motor: ASM911AA
A Unit Value: 2979.3805
B Unit Value: 54.1675
Circle Resolution: .05
Small Circle Def (OBS): .25
Gearbox: Neugart PLN-70 (Made in Germany)

Just wanted to share in case anyone ever googles it!:)

09-12-2012, 01:02 AM
Ben I take it that is your results for the 12 inch indexer? I will look at my results tomorrow and see what mine are. Should be interesting!!!!!