View Full Version : Tequila Cabinet

09-12-2012, 07:32 PM
My neighbors own a restaurant and asked me to make them a cabinet to display their Tequila. They speak Spanish, and I understand about 50% of what they are saying, so I just went with what I thought it should look like






The cabinet is maple. I finished it with gel stain and lacquer. As you can see, it's not 100% done yet - the hinges should be in tomorrow so I can install them and mount the doors. This was a first time for me with the lighting. I found some LED lighting pretty cheap online. I soldered it together and wired it to the dimmer. I think it will look best when filled with tequila!

The only parts really done on the ShopBot were the carvings (lettering, cactus, etc). The doors and cabinet were all made by hand (minus the shelf fronts - those were made completely on the shopbot). This was the maiden voyage for the new Festool Domino Joiner as well - which I used to put everything together - also an excellent tool.

Brady Watson
09-12-2012, 09:39 PM
Looks really great! Those little appliqués and carvings really make it POP!

Keep it up! ;)


09-12-2012, 09:55 PM
Thanks. I forgot to mention that the ShopBot was super helpful in making the maple cover around the dimmer switch. I tried first doing it with a jigsaw. After about 5 minutes of making bad cuts, I decided to use the CNC. There's quite a bit more detail underneath it than you might think - in order to hide the wires.

09-25-2012, 08:12 AM
After the Hinge order getting messed up at least twice by each myself, the supplier, and the distributor to the supplier, I finally finished this up. He wants another one. The only thing is, I have to go back and let the owner know that they should place the bottles over the LED lights to get a better effect.



09-25-2012, 12:25 PM
Tequila, aye ya aye,,,,,Too much of it this weekend..... But the cabinets look great!