View Full Version : new pc displays wrong bot in setup, cant do anything.

09-15-2012, 11:14 AM
switched out laptop with desktop. windows XP pro, black viper bare bones setup. Installed new software, updated firmware, running Sb3.8.1Beta22
that i was running previously. I have a 2008 PRS Standard 96X48, black pc tower style control box. When i choose prs standard 48X96, then go under tools (i think that's where its at) and choose to setup shopbot so i can put my table size etc, it shows PRT 4G or some such machine, and at the top of that window in Red, it says something isn't set up correctly or some such stuff. I've used the reset/clear option in one of the pulldowns, selected my correct machine again, and it still does it. At a total loss here.

i used to have tons of com problems, the beta software on the laptop worked great for a while, then com probs again with zero changes, on a laptop that never goes online and has nothing but control software on it. So now i can't get my bot going, i got 7 - 8 hours worth of work to do, for a guy who is coming from VA to ohio tomorrow to pick up his stuff. i am so screwed.

Brady Watson
09-15-2012, 12:17 PM
Uninstall the beta. Then install 3.6.44 and get to work. You can diagnose the issue with the beta after you've made your money.


09-15-2012, 12:23 PM
Scott called me from tech support, everything looks to be ok, won't know for sure till i cut something.. off to get a new sacrificial sheet and get cranking! The older software caused me tons of grief with com errors, i am loving the beta!