View Full Version : communication problems still

09-16-2012, 12:26 PM
Well, i've only had communication problems since i bought my shopbot in 09, so today isn't any different. New pc, running windows XP, black viper barebones setup, no internet, screen saver, power saver, antivirus, firewall, nothing.

Took my control box apart, removed, reinstalled stepper drivers, pulled the blocks with the other wiring to verify tightened, double checked motor connectors, verified my ground system etc.

First off, when i try to surface, it will not start. i hit the keys to bring it up, nada. won't even start going into the shopbot folder and clicking on it.

When i tried cutting a sheet, got 1/2 way through and got a thunk. hit stop, then quit, then C3. when it goes back to hit the X i get a stop hit. if i select continue, tool doesn't move, screen shows it moving. I reboot, c3 again. This time X goes fine, and on the Y, it stops at about 24" then it hits it a second time, and says it's zeroed, but it's out at 24". reboot, move the tool closer to home position, try again, get it zeroed.

Now, i make sure the lights are all off to rule of flourescent lighting, leave my dust collector off, run file, still get thunk. i've tried 5 times, no luck. thunk is not in the exact same spot. sometimes it will get a little farther into the cut, other times it thunks before that.

I really am at a loss for words. i have reached the point it's time to finish up my paid orders, and throw a tarp on this thing. it's more stress than i can deal with for the last 3+ years.

09-16-2012, 12:46 PM
"Thunk" is usually a dead giveaway that there is a grounding issue. Many who do ground their machines do it in such a way that it forms a ground loop and defeat their purpose. Make sure your grounding is linear. Also make sure it goes all the way back to the panel, whether it is tied to existing ground wire or has it's own home run. Even if you have all steel conduit that is not the same as grounding direct to the panel so if you do don't count on proper grounding by just tying it to a box.

If you are running newer software you very well may need to pick up a usb/serial convertor and powered USB hub.

What do you get when you run the speed test in the control software?

09-16-2012, 01:01 PM
running the beta software, it has no speed test. using an enhanced usb 2.0 port, and cable coming from the cnc. using the hub that came with the machine. I was told that powered hubs can sometimes cause communication errors. my grounding system is rock solid, verified with several people at shopbot. thunk according to them is always a communication issue.

Just for the hell of it, i'm going to go run it again, but take my bit out, and leave the spindle off.

09-16-2012, 01:04 PM
I just went back and re-read the other thread you had on this and saw that as of April you said all was good and haven't posted on more issues til now.
Has all been well til now? Did these issues restart now after some type of change?

09-16-2012, 02:17 PM
Are you sure the limit switches are set correctly.

09-16-2012, 02:37 PM
the issues were totally solved with the beta software. With no changes at all, they started happening again. Changed out pc's, still happening. Was on the phone with tech support, had me check the 5 volt in the box, no issues. Cut the shrink wrap off my X motors, all wires tight, no issues there either.

I am totally at a loss what to do. I've taken alot of cash for jobs i can't do now, and as always, i'm broke. Got materials, got time, just no functioning cnc.

i set up the prox switch for my c3 command, and where i want to zero, etc. it will C3 sometimes correctly, about 1 out of 3 tries.

09-16-2012, 06:01 PM
well, i'm pretty much defeated. after checking anything and everything i could check, it's still not working right.

Brady Watson
09-16-2012, 07:53 PM
My recommendation, as I stated in your other post, would be to uninstall the beta. It is called a beta for a reason - meaning it is not 100% rock solid and ready for production. I do not understand why you are bent on running the beta software. Install 3.6.44 AND *IMPORTANT* - use the UI command to install the firmware that matches 3.6.44 - then run your speed test.

Physically unplug the USB cable from BOTH the control box connection @ the on board processor AND at the computer/hub. Plug it back in both ends to re-seat. You are running less than 12 feet TOTAL on the USB cable, correct? No extensions etc?

As always with this stuff - Take NOTHING for granted. Check it again even if you think you checked it 2 or 3 times already.


09-16-2012, 08:39 PM
My machine has comm errors every single time with the previous software. It has had comm problems since the day i bought it, and 4 years later, still fighting it. USB cable from control box to pc is a 5 foot cable, hooked into the provided hub that came with the bot. I've made dozens of changes, 1 at a time, to no avail. i can get it to error with the router off, vac hold down off, dust collector off, lights in the garage off, nothing in the house running, with the bot on one circuit and the pc on another.

I seriously think i got a defective bot from day one. this goes on all the time, except the brief period after i installed the beta, and now it's back with no other changes. I can't say how awesome it is to have an 18K paperweight in the garage.

09-16-2012, 08:42 PM
As Brady says...uninstall the current version or versions of the SB3 software using the windows uninstall method.

Unplug ALL of the USB components that connect the ShopBot to the computer.

Follow the instruction in the attached PDF: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Eb5hjrooP5-Hzih3s1t_LO2auWuQWloUx9NXcbSbeS8/edit

NOTE: Dont forget to install the firmware

Brady Watson
09-16-2012, 09:20 PM
Call SB Support on Monday. Ask about removing your control board and having it tested at SBHQ. It is obvious something is not right. Testing your hardware would rule out a defective processor or board. If it proves to be OK, then you've got other issues - and they are most likely stemming from your PC(s).

I've seen my fair share of 'off machines' in my travels - only to discover that the customer's computer hardware or software was not up to par for a robotic tool. I'm not ruling out that you could have a flaky control board or processor, but 99% of the time, something else is going on. A more definitive test, like getting the controls checked, is in order to nail down what is going on. These tools are pretty simple and robust - but something as minor as a loose connection or internally frayed USB conductor can cause you to jump to any number of conclusions. Only a test will reveal what is going on with the controls - something which should have been done 4 years ago.


09-16-2012, 09:52 PM
i absolutely agree this should have been taken care of in my first year of ownership. I had scott from SB walk me through the install, and settings. We did an install on a fresh PC with windows XP pro Sp3, The guide you posted the link for, we followed exactly like that. We did verify that it's on an enhanced port. I am using my stock hub, with only the bot connected to the hub. The only other usb device is the mouse, on a seperate port. After struggling for so long, you have to understand my frustration. in the last 3 or so years, i've ruined tons of material from com problems. As i said earlier, my stops never worked right. i'd get stop hits out in the middle of the table while cutting. The solution i got was to turn them off.

Right now i'm trying to sell everything i own to upgrade to an Alpha, as scott thinks it will solve my problems. Coming up with 6 grand is a big problem, since i have no way to make product right now.

09-16-2012, 10:19 PM
Let me add the Christian, frank, and Scott from SB have been extremely helpful in suggestions, things to check, and troubleshooting, but it's down to where i can do no more on my end to diagnose it. Scott has been emailing me, and said he will follow up with me tomorrow, so i have my fingers crossed.

09-16-2012, 10:44 PM
In most cases when a stoppage occurs with a "thunk" the cause is static. The same sound can be caused by grounding, or lack thereof, and computer background operations. I have also seen loose USB cables (bot, keyboard or mouse) or removal of a thumb drive do the same, but are very rare. Less rare on a Dell or other computers with low end buss architecture.

Is your computer plugged into the same circuit that powers the control box, and at the same place? If not, make it so.