View Full Version : The Hendecagon!

09-18-2012, 12:26 PM
I'm "re-nesting" in my shop and have moved things around to better use the space. One of the things I've got is a ton of little parts bins. They're scattered all over the shop and not really organized.

After moving a couple of big cabinets that had some bins hanging off the doors, I built this:


It's a six foot tall, eleven sided column that is sitting on a 6" lazy susan bearing. With bins installed, it will take up a roughly 28" diameter space. Each side of the column can take 16 bins.


It takes one full sheet plus 4.25" of another to build this.


09-18-2012, 11:49 PM
Great idea. I'm looking for ideas like this for my shop. I'll be curious to hear how the lazy Susan holds up when the bins get fully loaded.

09-21-2012, 05:46 PM
John, the bearing is rated for 500lbs. I'd be hard pressed to load that much weight on it.

I've removed the wheels - it was just too tippy with them. I'm going to semi-permanently place it next to a wall between two cabinets, with a wall mounted bracket that will hold a post that'll fit into the center on the top. This will help keep it from applying side force to the bearing and will make it easier to turn because of it. More pics soon.


09-23-2012, 05:34 PM
Here's a couple of pics I took today - it's almost full for the bins I have on hand. Gotta hit Harbor Fright(*) to buy more! :)

* Not a miss-spelling. :)


09-24-2012, 12:20 PM
that's pretty cool!

09-24-2012, 10:15 PM
very neat and cool... let me know how long it takes to pick all the items up when you knock it over... i can just see my dad, knocking it over...

09-25-2012, 10:47 AM
Fortunately, I don't have to worry about that. I've attached a bracket to the wall that holds a pin that sits in the center of the column. It prevents the column from being tipped over and it also prevents the huge lever arm of the column from tearing up the lazy susan bearing.
