View Full Version : Truing Square Posts

09-29-2012, 07:19 AM
I realize this is a easy question but I forgot the answer. What is the easiest way to machine a square post, 4 sides, from rough cut lumber? I want to use the indexer to machine all four sides when in rough form and true the stock to a specified size.

09-29-2012, 10:49 AM
Why would you want to true it up on the indexer? There are faster ways to do this off the bot.

And, once you true it up were you going to be carving it or leave it as is?
The reason i ask is, if you are going to carve it then once you find center on the indexer as long as you don't have a way lopsided blank there is no need to true it up as you are cutting all that away. Or do i not understand? Seems like unnecessary work if you ask me:confused:

09-29-2012, 11:57 AM
Jack there is much more to be done to the posts that I never mentioned. I have to have them true to be able to accomplish what I want.

09-29-2012, 01:21 PM
Well tell me more about it because it would seem to me that if you are cutting away the outsides of this blank it wouldn't matter, however if part of your design is not cut away and based on this square part (like a base of a statue) then that might have some bearing.

But it would also seem to me that you would need to make the center of your blank based off the finished trued up blank. Maybe more details would help.:)

In any event, it would seem that a simple 4 sided machining toolpath would get you what you wanted.
If you find center
do a toolpath that covers one side and takes off whatever depth you want (say.1250)
spin it 90 degrees, do the next side
Maybe a pic would help us help you

09-29-2012, 01:32 PM
Hi Daryl,
I have been doing these on the indexer, but I still square them with jointer and saw.

09-29-2012, 03:40 PM
More pretty stuff Stephen! Do you make all your samples from pine? Then make the orders you get from whatever material they want? :D

09-29-2012, 03:46 PM
Hi Jack,
I make samples out of pine because it takes 3 or 4 trys to get it right!
Then I make samples in cherry or birch or some such wood.
You should see my stack of "almosts", hate to through them out, maybe I'll burn them this winter, not sure I have enough firewood.

09-29-2012, 08:24 PM
I finally found what I was looking for. I located the information in ShopBot under Indexer and it works exactely how I want. I had to make some edits to the file but it works! The reason I wanted to do the squaring on the indexer is I have to do some design work on the posts and they then have to be turned so the design is on all four sides. Thanks for the help!