View Full Version : 3d acrylic

10-02-2012, 10:08 AM
So edge-lit acrylic is making me crazy, I've been going though pics and sample and studying different lighting techniques. I am thinking about going 3d with it and was wondering if anyone has attempted any 3d work in acrylic and would be willing to share what they have learned and maybe some pictures of how it turned out?

10-02-2012, 11:12 AM
Hi Thomas,

Although I have not experimented with 3D acrylic -what specifically is giving you trouble? I have had success in cutting it and lighting it - and my brother who has a large Multiax machine in FLA - has had great success in routering and lighting it.


10-02-2012, 11:14 AM
When you say "3D acrylic" are you speaking about complete "3D"where you carve statues, maquettes, etc., OR carving INTO the acrylic to get effects such as this?

10-02-2012, 12:01 PM
Edge lit 3-d can be a challenge in Acrylic as deeper cuts closer to the light source will block light from getting to shallower cuts further away. Attached is one I did recently that isn't really 3-d as the main letters are area cleared and the lollipops are v-carved. The machining marks from mortising the letters was OK for this one as it suggested pulled taffy. The area clear was only about .06 deep and the v-carve maxxed at .23 with a 120 degree bit. If I were to light one like Bill's example I would wrap the lights instead of having them on one edge. In general you don't want to go very deep so reducing the depth of your cutting so it is more like engraving is better. For experimenting you can get some light rolls pretty cheap on e-bay but for customers a higher quality light and controller will save you grief.

10-03-2012, 02:52 AM
I must rephrase... I am not having trouble with it, I am having a ridiculous amount of fun! I have found ways to light the acrylic from every direction possible including from the surface using some creative blocking. I have used several different light sources(LED, Halogen, Florecent ect.). I have yet only done engraving and v-carving. From all of this I have only managed to finish one project to presentable quality, a 4'x5' Spider Web panel lit from 4 side with RGB LED's w/audio reactive control. I incorperated Infrared sensors so that waving your hand across the panel plays the bass cords from "Boris the Spider" which then controls the flashing of the lights. (I posted a pic of it on the forums several weeks ago).
I have managed to vcarve with a almost no noticible tool marks but so far all the designs and patterns i have come up with are some what simplistic. What I want to do now is get into more complex 3-d reliefs as well as "sculpture" I don't think I will have to much trouble with the lighting but an looking for any tips anyone wants to share on reducing tool marks and post processing the piece when it comes off the bot.

10-03-2012, 02:58 AM
here is the spider webhttp://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15498