View Full Version : Master Mind weekend

10-05-2012, 12:09 AM
Master Mind Weekend #1

FREE event. Yes, you may make a donation to help pay for gas for the speakers.
Location 6987 Division
Grand Rapids Mi 49548

CNC users and Software users, and sign making, and wood working.
Grand Rapids Michigan

Friday check meet and greet.. in starts at 1:00PM To allow for driving or Flying in on Friday.

Saturday and part of Sunday
November 2-3 and part of 4

Tentative Topics will include

Vectric Software
Don RoutNabout,, Kearschner Beta testor and all around guru with Aspire
Don is attending the Vectric User group meeting Next month and will have the latest scoop.
He has a seminar of using Vectric products such as Aspire.
Don is a confirmed speaker.

Finishing techniques such as Faux stone, wood grain and other techniques.
Speaker will be Doug who recently presented his fauz finish techniques to the Wood Workers Guild.

Layout 101. How to lay out graphic elements and lettering for the best eye appeal.

Non flame polish of acrylic edges and surfaces.

Vinyl graphics install. How to install vinyl without pickle skin.

Marketing. How to develop flyers and other visual aids to market yourself.

Laying gold leaf using a mask technique.

Discussion time to pass on our favorite tips and tricks.

Advanced sculpt nouveau techniques. Bring your small object 2x4 inch you would like to use for a hands on.

Other topic suggestions are welcome.
Other speakers are invited to discuss your sign making or cnc skills.
Experts in like minded topics are invited to discuss your specialty as a possible presenter.
Hand Lettering brush work.

Motel is the Baymont In Byron Center just 5 minutes from the meeting place.
http://www.baymontinns.com/hotels/michi ... l-overview
Rooms are $69.00 / night. Continental Breakfast included.
Cut off date for rooms is Oct 29

PM me for questions or call 616 773 9362

Meeting site is about 20 minutes from the Grand Rapids International Airport.

This is a limited space event. No more than 35 slots Thank you. We still have a few slots left..

An Itinerary will follow within the next few days. Thank you

10-17-2012, 11:21 PM
This is a FREE event.
Yes, you may make a donation to defray the costs for gas for the speakers.

Starting Friday

All presentation start times may be moved around accordingly.

Starting Friday after noon to allow time for a Friday morning flights or drivers.
Bring your latest projects for show and tell.

1:oo PM check in and meet and greet.

1:30 First presentation.

Hands on work practices

3:00 Open discussion ideas about marketing your business, pricing and niche developing

5:00 Grill steaks and have dinner

Friday evening.

Basic layout rules for your signs and panels including negative space. Font/typeface selection.

Practice your layout techniques.

Saturday 10:00 AM Hands on Advanced Sculpt Nouveau ideas and techniques.
Thank you to Sculpt Nouveau for their support.

12:00 lunch. Grilling will be involved.

1:00 Vinyl installing. Cleaning surfaces. Application techniques.
Vinyl grades and usages. Masking techniques.
Thank you Rapid Tac for the samples that will be given to you

2:30 Gold leaf hand on. Applying gold leaf using the mask technique.

3:30 Faux finishing. taught by Doug
Stone, wood grain and other surface finishing.
Hand on practice. Bring your item to test your skills.

5:00 Pm dinner.

Saturday evening. Building a 3D project featuring a fish using common objects and paint.

10:00 am Finish up projects.

Thank you
Call me @ 616 773 9362

or snail mail
6987 Division

still some spaces left..
Register sooner than later and as a bonus you will also get a nice binder to keep your notes and handouts from the event.
Grand Rapids Mi 49548

11-15-2012, 12:08 AM
Master Mind weekend was a great time for all. We featured wood graining, designing signs, applying vinyl for signs, software techniques and a raft of other technical sessions.

We discussed our next meeting that will include:
signs 101, layout and design of signs. Faux Finish 201 marble and other advanced faux finishes. Vectric software guru Don Kerschner was there giving his knowledge.

There were a number of Shop Botters included. One was waiting on his to be delivered the following week. We would like to host a Shop Bot software expert at our next meet. Any guru's interested in speaking? We would like to hear from you.

Following is a few of the dozens of photos taken that weekend.

This is Doug Dietman the faux finish speaker showing a wood grain. His art work is in major hotels and million dollar homes across the region.
The this session was several hours with hands on and guests taking pages of notes on materials, supplies, tools and techniques.

Sandy Baird giving his sign making session. His session included showing a portfolio of some of the finest in signs and how to make them.

5 String Bass cut on a CNC using Vectic. This is a work of art.

and some of our guests showing their first wood grain panels.

Thanks to Rapid Tac. Precision Board / Coastal Enterprises, Sculpt Nuveau, for their generous support.