View Full Version : LED Ring Light
10-05-2012, 10:39 AM
For those wanting to add a light to your spindle or router, I saw this today and figured it could be easily modified for the task.
@ $25.19 it seems like a good price. 40% off
10-11-2012, 07:50 PM
I just got my ring light ( in today. I am not impressed with the light output sorry to say. I may have to change out the LEDs with high output ones. For those totally in the dark, this will give adequate light.
That being said, the housing fit right on my Colombo spindle without any modifications ( and the switch housing is attached with built in magnets and coiled wire to the light ring. Overall-Not a bad accessory.
10-16-2012, 11:12 PM
Hi Stan,
I made my own light out of acrylic and web belt for the skirt. The rare earth magnets sure make it easy to attach and detach the skirt for bit changes. Had remembered seeing some 12" LED light strips at Walmart automotive department. They are 12 volt driven and with a 12 volt connection on the mother board of the Shopbot computer, Used some CAT-5 cable to connect the LED s to the computer. When the Shopbot computer is turned on the LED s come on. This is nice because it has a two fold purpose. 1. My cutting surface is well lite. 2. When I close the shop, if the LED s are on, I have forgotten to shut off the computer.
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