View Full Version : PRT Benchtop Issue

10-15-2012, 12:19 AM
Last weekend I bought a used PRT Benchtop. The previous owner had some problems and had sent in the controller for repair. It was sent back and told there was nothing wrong with it.

What I have found is there is an issue with the Y driver. Here is how I came to the conclusion of the Y driver:

1) shut off controller and unplugged motor and carriage and table move freely.

2) activated motor while pinions were disengaged. Y motor made same noise.

3) Switched X and Y plugs at the controller and then the Y operated properly but then X made the noise and operated erratically.

Not sure what to try next however. I am wondering if I can use the A driver as a substitute and reconfigure the settings somehow. Is there a common component on the controller that I can check?

10-15-2012, 09:13 AM
You could try putting the Y on the A and change it in the setup

10-15-2012, 09:40 AM
You could try putting the Y on the A and change it in the setup

What are the steps for this?

10-15-2012, 11:51 AM
Channel assignments are made with the VI command in the control console. Type Y in channel four. You can alternatively set the DIP switches on the control board. Set both the step and direction switches to 2 being ON if you want to output a y signal. All other switches should be OFF.

10-15-2012, 08:55 PM
Channel assignments are made with the VI command in the control console. Type Y in channel four. You can alternatively set the DIP switches on the control board. Set both the step and direction switches to 2 being ON if you want to output a y signal. All other switches should be OFF.

Which DIP switches should be on???

Brady Watson
10-15-2012, 09:48 PM
Channel assignments are made with the VI command in the control console. Type Y in channel four. You can alternatively set the DIP switches on the control board. Set both the step and direction switches to 2 being ON if you want to output a y signal. All other switches should be OFF.

Go into the control software and bring up the VI command. Type the letter 'Y' into channel 4. Done. Go play.


You can alternatively set the DIP switches on the control board.

Step switch #2 ON
Dir switch #2 ON
ALL other switches OFF
