View Full Version : ShopBot Probe traveling in -Y direction?

10-20-2012, 05:31 PM
I'm Digitizing an 6 foot auto panel in 2D and when i start in the middle of the table for inside lines the Machine wants to travel -Y insted of +Y. Alligator clip is off and input 1 is triggering just fine. It was working fine when i first received the tool, but now is all over the place and wants to Kamikaze into the Table. I think i have a suicide Probe, Why doesn't it like it's new home?

Running PRS Alpha 120X60, 3.6.44, Windows 7 pro , v74x 5hp Spindle. shopBot Probe.

Open for discussion

Brady Watson
10-20-2012, 07:33 PM
Does it only do this when probing or all the time?

It's been a while since I have 2D probed, but I think that it *may* scan counter clockwise on inside profiles.

If it goes opposite when in keyboard mode (k key) then sign the VU for the Y axis with a negative sign (-) in front of the UV.


10-21-2012, 08:37 PM
I got it figured out. I just need to fill in the Safe Y table length to the size of my table (preset to 24") to 60". Now its working fine.
