View Full Version : Shuddering after upgrade

10-25-2012, 11:30 PM
I've just about got the geared motor and retro z upgrade finished...tried a test cut and all went well with a couple of exceptions.
When the Bot finishes a cut the z gantry pulls up and the unit heads for home. During the journey home the x motors sound like they're going to shake themselves to pieces. Funny thing is is that I can move the head all over the table at high speed with no problem, I can even move the head way across the table and run the jog home command with no problem, not so when i tell it to move home.
I've been using this computer for several years without issues until I did these upgrades.
The other issue I've had is that the control program will sometimes reset the home position between files even if I'm repeating a previously successful cut...any ideas?

10-26-2012, 08:34 AM
Try an m2 move where both X and Y move together. What is your jog speed set at.

10-26-2012, 09:37 AM
Jerry, that's the strange thing...I can do a 2 axis move with the keyboard just fine, I can even tell the machine to jog home from a distant point with no problem. The stuttering only appears to happen when using the MH command or when the bot completes a cut and moves home on its own. So far I haven't seen the shaking occur even when doing fairly intricate "air" cuts. - Boyd :confused:

11-05-2012, 10:19 PM
Boyd, little late to the game here... when you do an MH/JH command, are the speeds much slower than your normal move/jog speeds? Stepper motors make a grinding sound when they move too slow, it sounds bad but it's not harming your machine.

If you are moving at consistent speeds, I think we heard of a similar issue last year which turned out to be a rogue value in one of the MTC files... if you haven't got this worked out already, shoot an email over to support@shopbottools.com with a description of what's going on. The guys in support will be able to help you track down whatever small software issue that's causing it.