View Full Version : machine stops in tracks, freezes

10-26-2012, 07:18 PM
I just ran a 13 hour job with no problem. I am now running another 10 to 20 hour project and the machine is stopping and freezing on the x axis but usually during a z axis rise. I get no messages and have to shut it all down just to get back to moving the axis back to a gestimated zero for all 3 axis. I notice that the monitor still shows the calculations for movement even though the machine is frozen so even if I could MH it will now be the wrong location for beginning again. Every time it stops, and I am now past a half dozen restarts, it stops on or near the center of the design. I sent the support form in to Shopbot for "within 24 hour" help but no one responded. I also have the computer on its own dedicated line. Any help would be appreciated.


10-28-2012, 01:20 PM
Gove more details:

Is it stopping at the same line of code?
What type material are you cutting?
What machine are you running? What software version? How long has it been set up and running?

Weather changes- such as low humidity might affect a poor grounding connection. You might also have a bad prox switch connection. If you lose comm or if the comm is a bad connection, it might get confused. The last long run might have been when an arc managed to degrade a connection and now you have issues....

It will take a little sleuthing. Start separating out events as well as you are able and narrowing down the possibilities for the failure.