View Full Version : Repeating cutting path with offset

11-10-2012, 10:28 AM
I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere. I'm sure it has, but I must be using the wrong search keywords:

I routinely create a small design of which I would like to cut multiple copies from the same piece of material. Of course, I could just copy the design before creating the cutting paths, but since this doesn't copy the tabs, it would actually create a lot more work for me.

Surely there is a way to have the SB control program repeat a cutting path a number of times either in a grid layout or at least with a simple offset.

Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot!

11-10-2012, 10:42 AM
In the manual, you will find a whole section on that topic.

With most products the manual goes in the trash with the wrapping, however with a shopbot, you will really want to know it.

Search for the section with the big title:

Temporary Zero Points When Cutting Files

In the users manual (in my copy it is on page 19). That is what that section is all about. Of course you could just use K and move to a new point on the material, set Z2, and run the cut file again. Sometimes I do that, but the master file method is much more repeatable, and you can MIX which parts you want to cut, it does not have to be just one part. You can make seven of the first part and four of some other part all in the same operation. (Presuming you dont have to change bits.)

With a little experience you will be able to use the same technique even with manual bit changes.

Hope that helps-


11-10-2012, 11:49 AM
What software are you using? partworks copies the tabs when you copy parts as long as you have them setup before copying.

11-10-2012, 10:27 PM
Dana, I'll check out that section in the manual but I'm really interested in a way that lets me cut a bunch of copies automatically. I don't want to have to tell it where to start the next copy.

Steve, I'm using PartWorks and, sure enough, it does copy tabs! Still, I'll have to create a whole new cutting path if i want to change the number of copies to cut.

I guess I thought it would be a fairly simple utility to provide in the control software.

Thanks for the leads!

11-10-2012, 11:48 PM

As Dana mentioned, you can utilize a master file that calls up your 'Single part' file which is run in 2D offset each time. The last thing that your single part file does is to position it at the location where the next one is to be cut and then the master file will call up the single part again. You could have it ask ahead of time how may parts you want cut and it would count down until that condition was met and then quit. It does take a little time to set up (manually make) the master file and test it out, but is a good learning situation and can come in handy for other projects.

11-11-2012, 01:07 AM

Step and repeat operations are easily accomplished using the master file to call your part file... with a little thought you can even do rows and columns by answering questions asked at run time, thus making good use of whatever material size you are using.


11-11-2012, 04:27 AM
If you want to do it in PartWorks it might be worth looking up the toolpath template features (presuming you're on one of the later versions that supports it).

With that you can create copies of your parts using the array or nesting tools in PartWorks and then calculate all the toolpaths with one click.

I have a few jobs that I use it for all the time. I basically just load the file with one part in it. Go to the Nesting tool and enter the number of copies I want. Click Apply and then click the Recalculate all toolpaths button. Job done in seconds.

11-11-2012, 07:59 AM
In order to get the flexibility I want, I'd have to go the route of the master file with a little programming to prompt for the rows, columns and offsets. It wouldn't be difficult and it really should be something so generically useful that it could be shared with other ShopBotters. And that's exactly why I'm baffled it isn't included out of the box. Done as part of the control software, the UI could be much simpler, slicker and intuitive than prompt and response.

01-10-2013, 07:13 PM
I am a newbe, it's 2013 and I have a couple of software questions about "nesting."

In PartsWorks 3.5, when saving multiple toolpaths(same tool) to one cut file, is there way to move efficiently between toolpaths(two pockets of different depths) without returning to zero between each? Other than messing with .sbp command lines. I’m nervous about deleting the wrong thing or mixing up the file that drives the machine.

Is there a best way to create the “master file” that directs(offsets part's (0,0)) the moves between nested parts? I have looked at the very nice “sample_nest.sbp” provided but I would like to save the set-up that this file calculates and I can’t seem to figure out how. So, I would like to make my own “master file.” Thanks!!:)