View Full Version : I am looking for help with my digitizing probe.

Harry Martin
11-22-2012, 10:01 AM
My name is Harry Martin and I am looking for help with my digitizing probe,
I have a 96-60-6 with a 2.2 hp spindle, and ¼”collet, and shopbot digitizing probe
I think I finally have all of the extra stuff off my HP computer that will let me run
The digitizer. The last time I tried it I ran a pattern that was 4” x and 10.25 y the z was
Zeroed at +.03 above the surface as the pattern is a carved relief .
As the pattern is being scanned I am losing the z when it finished and went back to home
The readout on the computer for the z was .125 but the probe tip was about .75 to 1” above the surface. I do not think the probe slipped up into the collet as I had it tight,
And there was still a gap between the top of the probe and the collet.
Is their any other way this can be losing the z?

Thank you Harry

11-22-2012, 10:17 AM

Is it just reaching the safe Z height? Or is it actually re-zeroing at the higher setting? -might be a pecularity of the digitizing probe- I don't have one. But sounds more like a loss of solid contact ( back to control board) which leads to loss of z.....?

11-22-2012, 07:55 PM
I tested a digitizing probe early on and was not impressed.... was a gun we were digitizing for a military friend... not sure if u using aspire or not... we digitized colt and saved(took like 2 hours or more)... and then i took a pic of the colt45 and imported both into aspire... pic was better... guy payed for probe was bummed... I suggest u call shopbot... there service is the best....by the time i typed this response... u wooda had your answer from them

Happy shopbot owner

Harry Martin
11-22-2012, 08:31 PM
Hey guys thanks for responding I think I will call shopbpt tomorrow.
