View Full Version : More stuff for Joseph... toddler slide!

12-01-2012, 02:51 PM
So, Joseph was given a Little Tykes plastic slide from some friends of ours - but the slide is too big to keep indoors. And, since I put it out in the backyard a few weeks ago, Joe sees it and cries "slide"... "slide"...

Being a good father with a Shopbot, I finally had a chance this morning to run to the shop while my wife kept him busy - and in little more than an hour (seriously) I had this ready to come home!

The file I drew up (for the sides) this morning over breakfast. The sides are 1/2" Baltic Birch ply. The steps and slide are set in 3/8". The slide is covered in a layer of black post form grade Formica. I have the spray on contact cement ready to go in the tank, so it only took a minute.

The sides took 6 minutes per side to cut out, and after hand sanding everything (after the faces were done on the widebelt) I kerfed the back of the slide on the table saw, and assembled everything. Used Titebond III, with some Titebond HighPur to fillet the underside of the joints for added strength (and so I could take it home immediately).

He likes it, as does his buddy Jack. They are both about the same age... very easy for them to climb and go down. Much better than anything I have seen on the market.



12-01-2012, 02:52 PM

12-01-2012, 02:54 PM

12-01-2012, 03:11 PM
Very Nice!

12-01-2012, 03:59 PM
He likes it, as does his buddy Jack. They are both about the same age... very easy for them to climb and go down. Much better than anything I have seen on the market.

Yes, JACK does like it:D although i don't think we are the same age and i'm pretty sure it's alot easier for him to climb on it then me....:rolleyes:

Rather then compliment you on your workmanship i'll just say, you're a good daddy!:) I think that's a better compliment;)

12-01-2012, 05:40 PM
that is awesome!

12-01-2012, 07:19 PM
You are a great dad, AJ. What a lucky kid. And first rate work too. Do you still carve, AJ?


12-01-2012, 08:39 PM
You are a great dad, AJ. What a lucky kid. And first rate work too. Do you still carve, AJ?


Well, this past year very little. A few small whittlings but nothing major. I have several rough outs of caricatures but no time to carve ever since Joseph is running around and needs constant attention. When he was a baby I'd carve at home while he was sleeping. Not anymore!! It'll come back again I know but might be a while yet. Really miss it a lot!

12-01-2012, 09:57 PM
I figured as much. I haven't seen you on WCI for a while. The kids consume a lot of time and attention. But they are sure worth it. Mine are grown and gone. Now I have the time. Someday you will be there. I hope you can teach the little guy to carve as he grows. I sure wish I had learned at an earlier age.


Brady Watson
12-01-2012, 10:34 PM
Ha! That is SWEET!


12-01-2012, 11:56 PM
Very cool, that boy has a wild ride ahead of him in the world of woodworking and ShopBot.