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12-02-2012, 07:06 AM
Just head over to > ShopBot Table router and you'll see many projects for your shopbot - I use a ShopBot Desktop to make these models.
If you have any models you'd like added, feel free to send me an e-mail to always looking for more projects to add.
Founder of (formerly
01-02-2013, 04:36 PM
Hi Jon
I bought some designs from you a while back.I wasn't able to down load them.I try to contact someone and was not able to get any response.
Hope this was just a glitch or oversite,but I would like to get the files or my money back
01-02-2013, 05:54 PM
Have this problem come-up a few times - usually browser based. Try with a different web browser and login to your account to download the files (don't click the link from the e-mail you received). That usually resolves it.
I didn't get your e-mails for tech support - I've been traveling for the past week and a half so it's possible I missed it. Let me know if this works and e-mail me directly to if you have any further questions.
03-11-2013, 10:04 PM
I received the email today with the heli files in it. I will try and cut one soon for my son. He is in love with planes, helicopters and trains. If it works well I will buy a few others :)
I didnt see any trains on the site did I?? I like the P38!
I will post a pic of Joseph and his heli when I get it done...
03-12-2013, 05:41 AM
I'm sure he'll like it Andrew - I have a video of me cutting and assembling it so you have your proof right there that it works... along with a few photos.
I was cutting-up a storm in Canada then I moved to Australia 8 months ago and just moved again to Perth from Adelaide, as a result I was only able to uncrate the ShopBot Desktop just a few weeks ago when I discovered a few missing components preventing me from cutting away (few screws and enclosure is missing some parts) so things are dead in the water till I get them.
ShopBot told me they'd send me the dust enclosure ASAP so one I do get it, I'll be able to test more of my CNC table router models and launch them... trains and all! I hope your son has as much fun playing with it as I had building them.
Look forward to the pic!
03-13-2013, 08:52 PM
OK Jon, here she is! I was going to wait until I ordered some 1/8" carbide spiral bits, but I found a new HSS end mill I had in my metal working bits that worked fine.
My son's daycare has show-n-tell every Thursday, so I wanted him to be able to bring it tomorrow.
I made a few minor changes (capped off the tail rotor and cut down the extension on the main rotor) but it went together really well with some thick and thin CA glue.
He loves it! :)
Hi Jon
I bought some designs from you a while back.I wasn't able to down load them.I try to contact someone and was not able to get any response.
Hope this was just a glitch or oversite,but I would like to get the files or my money back
I just ordered the Shelter 2.0 from them. The download link I got back doesn't work and I got one email response saying he would manually approve the order and it would be ready for download in a couple of minutes. That was at 1:46am this morning. The link still doesn't work and the order still says pending. I placed the order on 3/12/2013 @ 1043am CDT.
Tried contacting him a couple more times with no response.
Just glad I didn't have to pay for it as it was a free download I did to see how the patterns were and how customer service worked after I read your post Erminio. If I had spent money on a project and this happened I would have been a bit upset.
Not sure what is happening.
OK Jon, here she is! I was going to wait until I ordered some 1/8" carbide spiral bits, but I found a new HSS end mill I had in my metal working bits that worked fine.
My son's daycare has show-n-tell every Thursday, so I wanted him to be able to bring it tomorrow.
I made a few minor changes (capped off the tail rotor and cut down the extension on the main rotor) but it went together really well with some thick and thin CA glue.
He loves it! :)
I'm envious. My grandsons would LOVE several of the projects Jon has. I can't get the one project I ordered downloaded. Not sure I want to spend money and get nothing.
03-14-2013, 04:53 AM
The pictures look great - do you mind if I use them on my blog? I'd link back to your company (if you have one) or any other link so you get some traffic in return.
Regarding orders not being approved - FREE orders need to be manually approved - paid ones go through right away. There was an issue with me approving free orders not sticking which I hope is resolved now Don.
03-14-2013, 03:42 PM
This happened awhile ago and never followed up.
I can't find the order.
If you can find it Jon and send it to me I would love to try it out!
This happened awhile ago and never followed up.
I can't find the order.
If you can find it Jon and send it to me I would love to try it out!
Jon was able to get things working today and I was able to download the plans I ordered.
Thank you Jon!
03-14-2013, 08:42 PM
The pictures look great - do you mind if I use them on my blog? I'd link back to your company (if you have one) or any other link so you get some traffic in return.
Sure use the pics - dont worry about mentioning my name. All my business is local here in Northern ON, and nothing toy related (I do custom furniture, cabinets and millwork). Besides I dont even have a website! :)
03-15-2013, 05:36 AM
Hi Erminio, I have no record of your order, your name or your e-mail in which might explain why there is nothing to download. This isn't a good avenue for technical support as I don't get all these forum messages - only reason I saw your message is because I got an e-mail that Andrew replied to the forum.
Send me an e-mail to the address shown at the top of this forum, and we'll try to sort it out.
ps: Andrew, thanks for the permission, will post them shortly!
ps2: Happy we got that sorted Don
03-15-2013, 05:49 AM
Hi Andrew, I've posted a blog with your super-happy kid at
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